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This Action Alert is taken with permission from a Facebook post by Ladd Everitt: “Hey folks, I wanted to re-up this contact info because there are still no charges in the murder of Breonna Taylor!” he wrote; it is inconceivable that those involved are not yet facing charges
If you want to see the officers who killed Taylor charged, call commonwealth’s attorney Tom Wine in Jefferson County, Kentucky and give him the following message:
Tom, I am absolutely furious you have not filed charges against plainclothes officers Sergeant Jonathan Mattingly, Detective Brett Hankison and Detective Myles Cosgrove for the murder of Breonna Taylor during a no-knock raid on March 13. They shot Breonna 8 times, killing her, despite the fact she had absolutely nothing to do with the criminal investigation in question.
I am watching this case very closely and if you don’t act I am going to make it my personal mission in life to ensure (peacefully) you never see elected or appointed office again. If you don’t have the character to hold out-of-control officers in your county accountable and bring justice for Breonna and her family, we will replace you with someone who does. Count on it.
You’ll hear from me again soon.
Commonwealth’s Attorney Tom Wine
Jefferson County, KY
Phone: (502) 595-2300
General information about the case can be found here: