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Update: Sixty-two year-old Francis T. Wright, the man who left his loaded Kel-Tec P-3AT handgun on a couch in the Fishers IKEA, was arrested and charged with one count of criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon. Unfortunately, Wright was acquitted by a Hamilton County jury in March 2019. Thanks to everyone who participated in this campaign and got this matter before a jury!
On June 25, 2018, the Fishers Police Department in Indiana informed the media and public about an incident that occurred in an IKEA in town. A customer brought a gun into the store despite its strict no-guns policy, which is advertised. After he sat down on one the store’s couches, his gun fell out of his pants.
Sometime later, a child found the gun on the couch and fired a shot before being disarmed by an adult. Miraculously, no one in the IKEA was injured or killed. The armed customer’s excuse was that he didn’t know his own gun had fallen out of his pants.
Authorities in Hamilton County, Indiana are suggesting charges will not be brought against the man despite the fact that he negligently endangered the child concerned and everyone in the store.
Please contact Fishers Police Chief Mitch Thompson and Prosecuting Attorney D. Lee Buckingham through one of the channels below with the following message (personalized to your liking):
Please bring charges against the man who left a loaded gun in a couch in the Fishers IKEA for negligently endangering the child who found it and everyone else in the store that day. This man violated the store’s strict no-guns policy and demonstrated a carelessness with his weapon that would offend any responsible gun owner. If you are so blithe as to be unaware whether or not your gun is on your body at any given time, you have zero business carrying it in public. If you let this man walk, you will send a message to every other irresponsible individual in the area that this type of dangerous, no-account behavior is OK. As someone who cares about my famiily, the welfare of children, and the people of Fishers, this is NOT all right with me. Do your job, protect this community, and hold this man accountable under the law for his negligence. BRING CHARGES.
Police Chief Mitch Thompson
Phone: (317) 595-3300
Prosecuting Attorney D. Lee Buckingham
Phone: (317) 776-8595
Once you have contacted them, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!