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A group of volunteers with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense attended a Meet & Greet with Republican Congressman Ralph Norman at a diner in Rock Hill, South Carolina on April 6, 2018.

But when they sat down at Rep. Norman’s table to have a conversation with him about gun policy, he pulled out a loaded handgun and put it on the table so they could see it.
“Do you feel safer now?” he asked them repeatedly.
Moms leader Lori Freeman said her group was “shocked and appalled.” When asked why he pulled the gun, Norman told the media, “I’m not going to be a Gabby Giffords … I’m just tired of the guns being blamed. I’m tired of the NRA being blamed. I’m tired of the police being blamed.”
The county Solicitor, Kevin Brackett, has recused himself from considering charges against Norman because they are personal friends.
Please contact South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson and give him the following message (personalized to your liking):
Bring charges against Congressman Ralph Norman for brandishing a concealed handgun during his meet & greet with constituents at the Rock Hill Diner on April 6, 2018. South Carolina law is clear in this area, saying a concealed weapon “must be carried in a manner that is hidden from public view in normal wear of clothing except when needed for self-defense, defense of others, and the protection of real or personal property.” Clearly, none of those circumstances applied when Rep. Norman drew a concealed, loaded firearm and placed it on the table in full view of his constituents, who he disagreed with on gun policy, likely with the intent of intimidating them. Bring charges against Congressman Norman now. He is not above the rule of law.
SC Attorney General Alan Wilson
Phone: (803) 734-3970
Email via webform:
You can also contact Congressman Norman through one of the channels below and express your feelings about his attempt to intimidate these Moms. Feel free to use this template text (personalized to your liking):
You are a coward for brandishing a loaded handgun in view of your constituents. Such a crude attempt at intimidation has no place in civic society. The reason you pulled that gun is because you are incapable of being confident and persuasive without one. You owe these volunteers in Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense an apology immediately. You should also be held accountable under the law. You committed a crime by brandishing your weapon when there was no threat to you or another. I was not interested in your re-election race at all before this. Now I’ll be actively involved. I’m going to get in touch with Archie Parnell’s office and see what he has to say about policies to keep firearms away from violent individuals.
Congressman Ralph Norman (R-SC)
Phone: (202) 225-5501 or (803) 327-1114
Email (need zip code for Rock Hill):
Once you have taken one or more of the above actions, click the orange banner below to report taking action!