May 30, 2018

Action Alert:
Condemn Congresswoman for Comments on School Shootings

Update: Congresswoman Black was defeated in the GOP gubernatorial primary in Tennessee on August 2, 2018, finishing third after being an early favorite to win. Black’s term in Congress expired on January 3, 2019.

On May 23, 2018, Tennessee Congresswoman Diane Black spoke to a group of local pastors and told them that school shootings are being caused by violent movies, pornography and the “deterioration of the family.” Black admitted that her own 15- and 16-year-old grandchildren watch violent movies.

Rep. Black put out a campaign ad in July 2016 called “Self-Defense” in which she lied (brazenly) about the details of a mugging she was a victim of in 1994.

Black, a Republican, blamed school shootings on pretty much everything but easy access to guns. She has a financial stake in that position. She takes money from the NRA while offering nothing but “thoughts and prayers” after school shootings.

Worst of all, Black is running for Governor in Tennessee this year.

Please contact Rep. Diane Black through one of the channels below and give her the following message (personalized to your liking):

I am disgusted by the remarks you gave about school shootings during a talk with local pastors on May 23, 2018. Your comments about pornography and everything else were ignorant, insensitive to victims and survivors of gun violence in your community (and elsewhere), and entirely self-serving as you are a recipient of financial contributions from the NRA. It behooves you to promote this ignorance and tell people that easy access to guns is not an issue we need to address to save the lives of these children. Shame on you. I had no idea you were running for governor before, and I might not have cared, but now I do. I will be dedicating my time and energy to organizing to make sure you lose that race.

Tennessee Congresswoman Diane Black
Phone: (202) 225-4231
Email via webform:

Once you have contacted Rep. Black, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

This is an action alert, NOT an online petition. Please take the action before filling out the fields below.

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