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14 March 2020 – In the middle of a global pandemic which is claiming lives, most public figures are appealing to the public to remain calm, to not engage in panic buying, and to follow basic hygiene to stop the spread of Corona 19 (please wash your hands often with soap and water, self-isolate if you have the symptoms, and take your advice from the WHO, the CDC or other experts). Not Donald Trump Jr – who took to social media to imply that it is time to get a gun.
With some people panic-buying food and supplies (toilet roll is inexplicably high on the panic-buyers list), the last thing we need is a man with, inexplicably, millions of followers suggesting that during this time people should get a gun.
Here’s what he tweeted:
Donald Trump Jr. ✔@DonaldJTrumpJr
“The irony of it all is that it’s my Democrat friends reaching out to me now asking me which guns they should buy just in case… in particular which ARs.
“I guess they’re ok with the 2A now??? You don’t need it, till you need it.”
The First Amendment allows free speech, but it also lists many exceptions, including prohibiting speech likely to cause panic. He basically told his 4.5 million followers, many of whom are already panicking over the Corona virus, that they will need a gun.
George Takei, our founder, responded: “Like any Democrat would be your friend. Sheesh.”
To capitalize on this serious global issue to try to increase gun sales to worried people is unacceptable. It’s somehow just a bit creepier when you realize that junior’s doing that in light of people he knows being tested for the virus. He could be spreading news about how to avoid COVID 19; instead he’s spreading fear. As members of One Pulse for America, we are only too aware how much destruction and death is caused by people using guns out of fear.
Please contact Twitter through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
I’m outraged that at a time when calm is needed above all else, you’ve allowed this post from Donald Trump jr to foster fear, imply that guns are needed during the pandemic, and that even his political enemies are asking for his help choosing a weapon! If so much as one of his 4.5 million followers panic buys a gun and it is involved in an injury or death, both Trump and Twitter will be morally and arguably legally responsible. It’s astounding anyone would capitalize on the Corona Virus spread to try to get people to buy guns.
As it is, his feed is filled with hate messages, misinformation and propaganda: at the very least he should be taken off Twitter temporarily, although I’d prefer his were gone for good. The US Constitution’s First Amendment guarantees free speech – but it clearly prohibits speech designed to cause panic. If you can’t shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre, you can’t shout ‘you need a gun’ to a population already panicky about a global pandemic. It’s an utter disgrace that may have serious consequences.
you can respond to Junior’s tweet here –
and/or you can add a comment to George’s tweet here:
Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!