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David Hogg and the Parkland shooting survivors in March for Our Lives are working to register young voters ahead of the November 2018 midterms with HeadCount, an organization that promotes democracy through music.

The two groups are currently urging students (ages 14-18), teachers, faculty and administrators to organize voter registration drives at their high schools. HeadCount has indicated it will send representatives to schools to help with these efforts whenever possible. Volunteers can also sign up to help register voters at concerts in their area if their high school refuses to participate.
High schools are encouraged to conduct their voter registration days on May 29, 2018 if possible, but any day before Election Day on November 6, 2018 works!
The White House and U.S. Congress are currently controlled by Republicans who refuse to do anything to reform our gun laws no matter how many Americans are shot, killed, injured and traumatized. We must have new leadership in government in order to save the precious lives being taken from us. To do that, we must register young voters and get them to the polls in November.
Please take one or more of the following actions today:
1) If you are a student, teacher or administrator who would like to conduct a voter registration drive at your high school, fill out the following online form to sign up:
2) If you know a student, teacher or administrator in a high school, share the above link with them and encourage them to organize a voter registration drive!
3) if you, or someone you know, would be willing to sign up new voters at a music concert, please volunteer at the link above.
Once you have taken one of the above actions, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!