May 27, 2022

Action Alert:
Join a March for Our Lives Event on June 11

May 25 2022- March For Our Lives, the gun law reform campaign group, announced it will hold over 100 March for OurLives events on 11 June 2022.

March For Our Lives London 2018 by Suzanne KellyDavid Hogg, Parkland shooting survivor and campaigner, is a founding member and director of March for Our Lives.

Yesterday he tweeted:  “Join us or create a sister March here there’s already over 100 in over 45 states join us”


Find a March near you and attend it.  If there is no march near you, then if you feel able to, please organise one.

Details are here:

When you have found a march you will attend, please share it with your friends, post it on social media.  Be sure to fill out the form at the bottom of this page and to post on the One Pulse for America page that you have done this action.

If you can, please take photos on the day and share them on One Pulse for America’s Facebook page.

This is an action alert, NOT an online petition. Please take the action before filling out the fields below.

11 people have taken this action