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Update: On October 3, 2017, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced the SHARE Act was no longer on the House schedule. Ryan indicated there are no plans to bring the bill back up for consideration. Additionally, Congressman Peter Defazio, a Democrat from Oregon, has removed himself as a sponsor of the SHARE Act. Thanks to all those who contacted their Representative asking for this dangerous bill to be tabled!
In the wake of the gruesome mass shooting in Las Vegas, in which a gunman armed with high-powered weapons killed at least 58 people and injured more than 500, the U.S. House of Representatives must table the dangerous SHARE Act.
The 64 year-old gunman in Las Vegas was able to inflict so many casualties because he was armed with high-powered firearms. The SHARE Act would make future shooters even more lethal and difficult to detect.
The “Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act” (SHARE Act) was introduced by Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on behalf of the National Rifle Association. Contrary to its name, the bill is a regressive piece of legislation that would do the following:
- Eliminate the longstanding and successful licensing and registration process for civilians who wish to obtain firearm silencers. Furthermore, the 1.4 million silencers already in civilian hands could be transferred through private sales, with no background check!
- Require the government to destroy records of silencer sales/transfers.
- Prevent the government from classifying ammunition as “armor-piercing,” thereby guaranteeing its sale on the civilian market.
- Nullify state gun laws preventing the possession of dangerous firearms, allowing individuals in states with weak gun laws to transport their assault rifles through any state in the country.
- Allow hunters to shoot and kill bear cubs in their dens while they are hibernating.
Please call your representative in the House of Representatives through the U.S. Capitol Hotline at (202) 224-3121 and give him/her the following message:
After the horrific shooting in Las Vegas, the SHARE Act must be tabled immediately. By deregulating silencers and armor-piercing ammunition, the SHARE Act would make future active shooters even more lethal and difficult to detect. That is unacceptable and grotesque. I call on you to exercise your authorities and influence to ensure that the SHARE Act is tabled, immediately and permanently. I will be watching your actions closely, and making decisions as a voter, donor and activist based on them.
If you don’t know who your Representative is, you can find out at this link (and get their direct dial number):
Once you have contacted your U.S. Representative, click the orange banner below to report taking action!