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Gun violence prevention advocates across the country are fighting hard to reform laws that arm domestic abusers. Since 2013, at least 25 states—including Alabama, Louisiana, Utah, North Dakota and South Carolina—have passed laws to help ensure the surrender of firearms by domestic abusers.
Want to know what you can do in your state to strengthen laws to keep guns away from domestic abusers?
1) Watch this powerful video about gun-related domestic violence and the dangerous “boyfriend loophole.” Legislation has been introduced at both the federal and state level to address this problem.
2) Click the link below and select your home state. Scroll down to find information about your state’s laws on “Domestic Violence & Firearms” and “Disarming Prohibited Persons.”
3) If you want to connect with a gun violence prevention group in your state to close the “boyfriend loophole” and other problems with your DV laws, leave a message in the Comments field of the Facebook group post of this alert. We will get you connected with someone!
Once you have taken completed one or more of the above steps, click the orange banner below to report taking action!