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Update: During the second round of public comments, supporters of a ban on bump stocks outnumbered opponents by three to one! On December 26, 2018, the Department of Justice published a final rule banning bump stocks. Owners were given 90 days to turn them into an ATF field office or destroy them. Thank you to everyone who participated in this campaign and helped get this ban enacted!
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has issued a new proposed rule to ban bump stocks and will be taking public comments until June 27, 2018. This proposal comes in response to the horrific October 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas in which a gunman used bump stocks to simulate full automatic gunfire. He inflicted 600 casualties on a crowd of concert-goers in just 10 minutes.
The rule being proposed by the ATF would classify bump stocks as machineguns under the National Firearms Act. “Current possessors of these devices would be required to surrender them, destroy them, or otherwise render them permanently inoperable upon the effective date of the final rule,” states the ATF.
The ATF has received more than 18,000 comments to date, most of them in support of the proposed rule. It is critical that gun control supporters continue to drive these comments!
Please take the following actions:
1) Click the following link to submit a public comment on the ATF’s proposed rule:
Feel free to use the following message as a template for your comment (personalized to your liking):
Thank you for taking on the task of regulating bump stocks, which have no legitimate place in civilian hands. The cost of inaction on bump stocks would be more mass-casualty shootings like the one we saw in Las Vegas, where a single gunman was able to inflict 600 casualties on a crowd of concert-goers in a matter of minutes. We cannot allow that morally, or as a democracy. The National Firearms Act clearly intended for this type of weaponry to be prohibited. Please finalize your proposed rule on bump stocks as soon as possible so we can ensure no future killer will be able to obtain these lethal, military-style accessories.
2) Share the link above on your social media feeds and encourage others to submit a comment to ATF!
Comments MUST be submitted by June 27, 2018 or they will not be accepted!
Once you have taken one or more of the above actions, click the orange banner below to report taking action!