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June 21 is National ASK (Asking Saves Kids) Day. The ASK campaign encourages parents to be proactive about their children’s safety by asking if there are unlocked gun in the homes where they play. The campaign is a collaboration between the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
A new study in the Journal of Urban Health reveals that approximately 4.6 million children live in homes where at least one firearm is kept loaded and unlocked. The study noted that the number of gun-owning parents who don’t secure all their weapons has nearly tripled since the last time similar research was conducted—even as overall gun ownership in the country has continued to decline.
This negligence on the part of gun owners has life and death consequences. Every day, eight children in America are shot and killed in “accidents” involving firearms.
Please take one or more of the following actions today:
1) Pledge to ask if there are loaded, unsecured guns in the homes that your children visit:
2) Share the ASK Pledge hyperlink above with family and friends on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.
Hashtag: #AskingSavesKids
3) Use the ASK Facebook profile photo frame to start conversations with your family and friends:
After taking one or more of the above actions, please fill out the three fields below and click the orange button to report taking action!