January 25, 2018

Action Alert:
Share Article About Kentucky Shooting with Members of Congress

This morning brought the heartbreaking news that 15-year old student Bailey Holt—one of the two killed yesterday at Marshall County High School in Kentucky—had called her mother just before she was shot and killed.

“I’m going to miss her smile — her beautiful smile,” said Bailey mom Secret Holt.

“She called me and all I could hear was voices, chaos in the background,” said Bailey’s mother, Secret Holt. “She couldn’t say anything and I tried to call her name over and over and over and she never responded.”

After this shooting—the 11th school shooting already in 2018!— we watched many Members of Congress once again offer nothing but “thoughts and prayers.”

We demand to know: Why are our Members of Congress allowing the National Rifle Association to dictate federal gun policy? The NRA is a violent, white supremacist organization that has been working with high-level officials in the Kremlin since at least 2011.  They should not be dictating anything!

Please share the following message with your Members of Congress. Make sure to include the hyperlink to the article about Bailey!

We just lost two more of our precious children to gun violence at Marshall County High School in Kentucky. The shooting there was the 11th school shooting in the first 23 days of 2018! I am absolutely outraged that this Congress is continuing to allow a violent, white supremacist, treasonous group like the National Rifle Association dictate gun policy. They have promoted violence against American journalists and are being investigated by the FBI for giving aid and comfort to our adversaries in the Kremlin. They should not be investigating anything. I am tired of having to live like this—worrying about being subject to gunfire wherever I go because Congress will not do its job and regulate firearms like every other free society. Do your job and stand up to the NRA! Push for a thorough investigation of their relationship with Torshin, Rogozin, Butina, etc. and get to the important business of toughening our federal gun laws so constant school shootings become a thing of the past. If you do not, I am going to do everything I can do—peacefully and democratically—to see that you’re not re-elected. I’ve had enough.


If you do not know who your Members of Congress are or where to find their contact information, visit this link:


After you share the article with your Members of Congress, click the orange banner below to report taking action!


h/t to One Pulse for America member Melissa Smith for suggesting this action!

This is an action alert, NOT an online petition. Please take the action before filling out the fields below.

48 people have taken this action