September 14, 2017

Action Alert:
Share Video on Gun Suicide Prevention

September is Suicide Awareness Month and a good time reflect on the fact that suicides account for a majority of gun deaths each  year in the United States of America.

Angela Frankenberry is one of the victims of gun suicide featured in the new video by Everytown and It Takes Us. She committed suicide with a gun exactly 26 years after her father did so.

On World Suicide Prevention Day, photographer Joe Quint (It Takes Us: Stories of Gun Violence from Across America) and Everytown for Gun Safety released a powerful video featuring survivors Diane Sellgren, Dorothy Paugh, and Eddie Weingart talking about their experience with gun suicide. It’s not only moving, but also incredibly informative, dispelling virtually all gun lobby myths about gun suicide.

Please watch the video, and then share it, at the following link:

Once you have shared the video on Facebook (or elsewhere), click the orange banner below to report taking action!

This is an action alert, NOT an online petition. Please take the action before filling out the fields below.

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