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On the 10th anniversary of the Tucson Arizona shooting, President-Elect Joe Biden issued a statement on the tragedy, discussing the wounding of his friend Gabby Giffords, one of those shot that day.
Mr Biden said: “As President, I pledge to continue to work together with Congresswoman Giffords, and with survivors, families, and advocates across the country, to defeat the NRA and end the epidemic of gun violence in America.”
The NRA is unsurprisingly livid at this promise.
Please add your name to our collective letter and/or contact President-Elect Joe Biden through one of the channels below and give him the following message, personalized to your liking:
Dear President-Elect Biden
Your large victory over incumbent Trump gives you a clear mandate, and I am delighted you will be our 46th president. I am writing to you as a member of One Pulse for America, the 81,000-strong gun law reform group formed by George Takei following the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Please know you have my full support when it comes to stopping the gun death epidemic as you rightly put it in your statement on the anniversary of the Tucon Arizona shooting.
The interpretation the NRA puts on the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with a well-regulated militia. The NRA is not an educational body; it is a Russian-funded lobbying group hit by scandal after scandal – while tens of thousands die needlessly each year, victims of woefully-inadequate gun laws.
We cannot tolerate armed insurgents in our nation’s capitol, in our state capitols and on our streets. Thank you for prioritizing gun law reform.
We the undersigned stand with you, and congratulate you, Vice-President Elect Harris, and your team on your election.
Once you have made contact and/or added your name to our letter, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!