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When it came time to introduce legislation during the 2018 state legislative session in Minnesota, Rep. Linda Slocum (D-Richfield) did not mess around. In the wake of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida that changed the national dialogue on guns, Slocum introduced an ambitious bill (HF 3022) that would: 1) Implement universal background checks; 2) Require gun dealers to keep records of ammunition sales for three years; 3) Ban the manufacture of semiautomatic rifles; 4) Require registration of grandfathered assault weapons; 5) Ban bump stocks, and; 6) Make it illegal for people who owe court-ordered child support to own firearms.

Rep. Slocum quickly became a target of the pro-gun community. On the evening of February 26, 2018, her office in the state capitol received a death threat. The caller spoke to Linda’s legislative assistant and left a message for her: “You better hide because I have my gun and I know where you are.”
The caller was identified, but no charges were brought after he denied even talking to Slocum’s legislative assistant, much less threatening the representative. In truth, the man called several times, leaving a voicemail that was “vulgar at best” according to State Patrol.
Rep. Slocum said she has also been cursed at, compared to Hitler, and called a “whale” and sexually lewd comments by pro-gun activists.
Please contact Linda Slocum through one of the channels below and share the following message with her (personalized to your liking):
Dear Rep. Slocum, I want to thank you for introducing your ambitious gun control bill (HF 3022) and tell you how sorry I am that you were threatened and abused by pro-gun activists over it. I could not believe that no charges were brought against the man that threatened you and your staffers. Please know that You did exactly the right thing by introducing this legislation and there are many of us, in Minnesota and across the country, who sincerely appreciate it. You remind us that we should all be following the students’ lead and thinking big when it comes to addressing our scourge of gun violence. Let me know how I can help move your bill!
Rep. Linda Slocum
Phone: (651) 296-7158
Mailing Address: 207 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155
Hashtag: #mnleg
Once you have contacted Rep. Slocum, click the orange banner below to report taking action!