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Update: The final report issued by special counsel Robert Mueller was narrowly focused and did not touch on the NRA’s connections with the government of Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Recently, the New York Times reported that President Donald Trump‘s senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, failed to disclose a “Russian backdoor overture [to the Trump campaign]” that occurred during the May 2016 National Rifle Association annual meeting in Louisville, Kentucky.

Present at the NRA’s 2016 meeting for the fourth year running was Russian Central Bank head and Moscow mafia “godfather” Alexander Torshin, a close ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Torshin knew then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump would also be attending the meeting (to receive the NRA’s endorsement). Through intermediaries, Torshin sent a request to Trump campaign aide Rick Dearborn, asking for a meeting with Trump to discuss “shared Christian values.” Torshin made it clear that he was speaking on behalf of Putin. He also bragged about being a lifetime member of the NRA and a “vocal advocate for gun rights.”
Kushner instructed Dearborn to turn down the request, but Torshin received a nice consolation prize: he was allowed to speak with Donald Trump, Jr. at a private dinner hosted by the NRA at a Louisville restaurant that weekend.
Please contact special prosecutor Bob Mueller through one of the channels below and give him the following message:
I am contacting you today to request that you look into the National Rifle Association’s relationship with the government of Vladimir Putin as part of your investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the campaign/administration of Donald Trump. On November 17, 2017, the New York Times reported new information that indicates the NRA was central to Putin’s efforts to court Trump. Putin ally and Russian Central bank head Alexander Torshin established relationships with NRA leaders like David Keene as early as 2011. During the 2016 NRA annual meeting, which he attended, Torshin requested a meeting with Trump, the featured speaker at the event. While the Trump campaign rebuffed this request, Torshin was allowed to speak to Donald Trump, Jr. at a private dinner hosted by the NRA. We know the NRA shared Russia’s enthusiasm for Trump—they endorsed him and spent more than $30 million to elect him. If this “nonprofit” gun lobby used their resources and influence to facilitate collusion between Donald Trump and Russia, the American people deserve to know. Please hold the NRA accountable for their actions.
Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III
Snail Mail: Department of Justice, Special Counsel’s Office, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room B-103, Washington, DC 20530
Once you have contacted Mr. Mueller, click the orange banner below to report taking action!