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According to a Federal Election Commission filing, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)—which raises money to elect Democrats to the House of Representatives—accepted $26,250 in bundled contributions from gun lobbyist Michael Herson during the month of April 2019.

Through his firm American Defense International, Herson lobbies for German gun-maker Sig Sauer. Currently, he is helping the company secure military contracts in the U.S. and other nations. Herson has also lobbied for continued American military intervention in Yemen’s civil war.
Sig Sauer is a “James Madison Level” corporate donor to the National Rifle Association and sponsors a series called “Empower the People” on NRA-TV. The gun-maker is also promoting mass ownership of silencers by U.S. civilians. European gun manufacturers like Sig Sauer doubled their exports into the U.S. civilian market between 2010 and 2016.
Please contact the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
I am outraged the DCCC is taking money from Sig Sauer lobbyist Michael Herson and his firm American Defense International. Sig Sauer floods the U.S. with firearms that are routinely used in shootings targeting civilians. The company’s executives know their products are immediately accessible to individuals with a history of violence in America due to weak gun laws. They have exploited this situation for financial gain with no thought to the suffering they are causing. I will not support ANY Democratic Member of Congress or candidate who accepts money from Michael Hershon and ADI because I do not want to be tainted by their affiliation with Sig Sauer. And I certainly don’t want the politicians I support feeling indebted to gun manufacturers and their lobbyists! End your relationship with Michael Herson and ADI immediately and show me you understand why Democratic values make that necessary. We do NOT sell out the safety of American families for corporate largesse.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)
Phone: (202) 863-1500
Email via webform:
Once you have contacted the DCCC, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!