March 2, 2018

Action Alert:
Tell “Death Wish” Makers That Film Should be Pulled

Update: “Death Wish” was a box office flop in 2018, posting a net loss of $11.6 million for MGM.

Just days after the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, MGM Studios is releasing horror film director Eli Roth‘s remake of “Death Wish” with Bruce Willis in Charles Bronson’s role.

Bruce Willis will do anything for a paycheck, including gun/revenge porn.

The movie is out in theaters today. The setting of the film has been moved from NYC to Chicago, but the message is the same. An armed white vigilante is glorified for taking the law into his own hands and killing his fellow Americans as judge, jury, and executioner.  Willis shoots one person after another in the film while happy, upbeat party music is played in the background. The murders are even played for laughs. The Chicago Sun-Times‘ Richard Roeper described the film as “revenge porn.”

It’s the height of cruelty to release a film that portrays a deranged white killer with a gun as a hero in a country that sees 100 of its citizens shot every single day. And it’s even more cruel to set such a film it in a city like Chicago that has buried so many of it residents because of gun violence.

Please contact MGM Studios, Bruce Willis and Eli Roth through one of the channels below and give them the following message (personalized to your liking):

I am absolutely disgusted by the release of the “Death Wish” remake. This film should be pulled from every theater in America immediately. Distributing gun/revenge porn like this, in the wake of the Parkland mass shooting and so much gun-related carnage in the city of Chicago, is unbelievably cruel and insensitive to the countless victims of this epidemic and their families. This trash doesn’t even merit a VHS release. Shame on you for being involved in this project and sending a message to Americans nationwide that it is “cool” to play armed vigilante and act as judge, jury and executioner in the slaying of fellow citizens. During an incredible moment in this country when young people are leading us forward peacefully and courageously, you remind us of the cancer of gun fetishism that led to this scourge of violence in the first place. 

MGM Studios
Phone: (310) 449-3000

Bruce Willis
Phone: (424) 288-2000 (Agent) or (310) 854-8100 (Publicist)

Eli Roth

Once you have contacted one or more of the four parties listed below, click the orange banner above to report taking action!

This is an action alert, NOT an online petition. Please take the action before filling out the fields below.

57 people have taken this action