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Groupon continues to actively promote gun culture through their e-commerce marketplace. One of their recent offers is a trip to Bullets and Burgers, an outdoor shooting range in Las Vegas where a child was allowed to mishandle a machine gun in 2014—a mistake that resulted in the death of her instructor.
In the incident, Bullets and Burgers gave a 9 year-old girl from New Jersey a fully-automatic Uzi submachine gun to fire. When she depressed the trigger, the recoil overwhelmed her and her gun kicked up and to the side, shooting and killing 39 year-old range instructor Charles Vacca.
The Groupon ad boasts that the offer will make families “feel like [they’re] in [Operation] Desert Storm.” A hamburger lunch is included. Groupon has been promoting these types of shooting activities for years despite negative feedback from victims & survivors of gun violence and others.
Please contact Groupon through one of the channels below and give them the following message (personalized to your liking):
It has long disgusted me to see Groupon promoting gun culture, but your recent offer for a trip to Bullets and Burgers, the Las Vegas gun range where a child was allowed to mishandle a machine gun in 2014 with tragic consequences, is a new low for your company. In that incident, a 9 year-old girl was given a fully-automatic Uzi submachine gun. When she depressed the trigger, the recoil immediately overwhelmed her. The gun kicked up and to the side, killing 39 year-old range instructor Charles Vaccas. This girl will have to live with the image of killing this man for the rest of her life, and you’re promoting this range as a “Operation Desert Storm” experience? This is degenerate and sick. If you continue to promote gun culture, I am DONE using Groupon and I am going to make it my life’s mission to tell family and friends about how disgusted I am by this Bullet and Burgers promotion. Stop promoting these types of degenerate shooting activites. We live in a country where gun-related horrors occur daily, where gun violence is epidemic. You are helping to perpetuate that violence by promoting paranoia and guns as a first-solution. Shame on you!
Groupon Public Relations
Phone: (312) 676-5773
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