August 6, 2018

Action Alert:
Tell Mark Zuckerberg to Protect Victims of Gun Violence

On July 25, 2018, gun violence survivors Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa published an open letter to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg asking him to do more to protect survivors of gun violence from threats and harassment on his platform.

Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t done enough to protect the Sandy Hook survivors or other victims of gun violence.

Leonard and Veronique lost their six year-old son Noah in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary on April 14, 2012. They described the abuse they have been subjected to since then by pro-gun “hoaxers” as follows:

We have endured online, telephone, and in-person harassment, abuse, and death threats. In fact, one of the abusers was sentenced to jail for credible death threats that she admitted in court she had uttered because she believed in online content created by these “fringe groups.” In order to protect ourselves and our surviving children, we have had to relocate numerous times. These groups use social media, including Facebook, to “hunt” us, posting our home address and videos of our house online. We are currently living in hiding. We are far from alone in our experiences.

Leonard and Veronique are asking Facebook to take two simple steps that should have been taken years ago: 1) Treat victims of mass shootings and other tragedies as a protected group so attacks on them are specifically against Facebook policy, and; 2) Provide affected survivors with access to Facebook staff who will remove hateful and harassing posts against victims immediately. 

Please contact Mark Zuckerberg through one of the channels below and give him the following message (personalized to your liking):

Mark, Facebook should immediately implement the changes recommended by Sandy Hook parents/survivors Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa in an open letter to you published in The Guardian on July 25, 2018.  Those changes are: 1) Treat victims of mass shootings and other tragedies as a protected group so attacks on them are specifically against Facebook policy, and; 2) Provide affected survivors with access to Facebook staff who will remove hateful and harassing posts against victims immediately. I am very concerned about gun violence in this country and it is difficult and infuriating to me to see the endless attacks against victims and survivors on Facebook—most of them so drenched in hatred and conspiracy theory you’d think you were surfing a fringe website. You can do better than this by people who have lost everything, Mark. If you don’t, my time to leave Facebook has arrived.

Mark Zuckerberg

Once you have contacted Mark Zuckerberg, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

This is an action alert, NOT an online petition. Please take the action before filling out the fields below.

177 people have taken this action