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In the state of Oregon, Democrats control the governor’s seat, Senate and House. Governor Kate Brown promised strong action on gun control in her 2018 campaign and received the endorsement of Ceasefire Oregon and other gun violence prevention (GVP) organizations. Yet on May 13, 2019, Democrats agreed to kill an omnibus gun control bill as part of a deal to get Republicans to come back to work after a four-day “boycott.”

Republicans’ walkout denied Senate Democrats the quorum they needed to approve a $1-billion-a-year business tax package pushed by Gov. Brown. She and Senate President Peter Courtney made a backroom deal with minority leader Herman Baertschiger, Jr. to kill the gun control bill, SB 978, and a pro-vaccination bill (HB 3063).
SB 978 includes mandatory safe storage requirements for gun owners, a ban on 3D-printed guns, an increase in the minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21, and authority for public places like schools and airports to control who carries concealed guns on their premises.
This legislative session, Democratic leaders already blocked consideration of a licensing and safe storage bill drafted by the GVP group Students for Change. Students complain many of these same “leaders” were quick to get their photos taken with participants at 2018 March For Our Lives rallies.
Please contact Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Senate President Peter Courtney through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
I was furious to learn you sacrificed the life-saving omnibus gun control bill, SB 978, in a backroom deal to get Senate Republicans to return to the chamber after their own self-imposed exile. You’ve promised a LOT on gun control and seem perfectly happy to have your picture taken at March For Our Lives rallies. But first you block the strong gun control bill drafted by Students for Change (SB 501) and NOW you throw gun control advocates under the bus for political expediency. This is UNACCEPTABLE. Gun violence victims and survivors are NOT political pawns to be dangled for your personal benefit. I demand you void your secret deal with Senate Republicans and put SB 978 on the floor of the Senate for an up or down vote. I want to see its safe storage requirements for gun owners and ban on 3D-printed guns enacted into law ASAP. I will be following your actions on this closely and want to see results if you intend on retaining my vote and support.
Oregon Governor Kate Brown
Phone: (503) 378-4582
Email via webform (use OR zip code):
Oregon Senate President Peter Courtney
Phone: (503) 986-1600
Once you have contacted Governor Brown and/or Senator Courtney, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!