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9 September 2019 – a far right-wing, pro-gun blogger posted a video of himself using a high-powered rifle to shoot a life-size cardboard image of Parkland survivor David Hogg .
Frank Espinoza, sometimes using the name ‘LA Werewolf’ is known for controversy and has had his Twitter and YouTube accounts closed down in the past.
The crowdfunding website Patreon, meant for people to support artists and creatives they like, appears to still have an account for him where he earns about $300 a month according to Newsweek.
With his latest ‘performance art’ piece as he calls it, Espinoza has basically incited violence with his hate speech and action. Ideally the law should be dealing with him. In the meantime, it is not acceptable that he profits from activities that include threatening the life of David Hogg, one of the Parklands shooting survivors who is doing so much to stop further senseless gun deaths.
Please contact Patreon through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
I am horrified to learn Frank Espinoza has a space on your crowdfunding site where he is earning an estimated $300 per month. Please suspend his account permanently.
You will be aware of his recent video where he has made a life-size image of Parklands shooting victim David Hogg, who is now a campaigner for gun law reform. Taking this image to a shooting range, Espinoza proceeds to shoot it some ten times with a high-powered rifle.
This is incitement to violence and is obscene as far as I am concerned, and I’m not alone in thinking that way. I hope to see him face charges for this video, which to me is a death threat. If Patreon continues to give him a method of making money, I will hold you morally responsible for any violence he inspires, and Patreon may well wind up being legally responsible too.
Your site is a great place for artists – why is Espinoza there? Please reply and tell me that he has been removed for good.
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Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!