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On January 23, 2019, a 21 year-old gunman entered a SunTrust Bank in Sebring, Florida and killed 5 women execution-style. He had an “obsession with guns and death.”

The shooter had resigned two weeks earlier from his job as a correctional officer. “For some reason [he] always hated people and wanted everyone to die,” his former girlfriend told a reporter. “He got kicked out of school for having a dream that he killed everybody in his class.” Despite this history, the gunman passed a background check and legally purchased his firearm in a Florida gun shop. He was “obsessed with firearms.”
New Florida governor Ron DeSantis has tweeted about the shooting numerous times to offer his “prayers” to the families of the five victims. Yet not once has he offered a single possible solution to prevent mass shootings from happening. DeSantis has an ‘A’ rating from the NRA and received their endorsement for governor.
Please contact Ron Desantis through one of the channels below and give him the following message, personalized to your liking:
Governor DeSantis, I am absolutely disgusted to see you offering nothing but “prayers” in response to the mass shooting at a SunTrust bank in Sebring. The gunman at the bank forced five women to lay face-down then killed them execution-style. He was “obsessed with guns and death,” according to a former girlfriend. Also, “he got kicked out of school for having a dream that he killed everybody in his class.” She knew he was dangerous and told everyone around her that. Yet there was no way to prohibit him from passing a background check and legally purchasing firearms under Florida’s ridiculous laws, and that’s exactly what he did when he was ready to commit mass murder. This blood is on your hands, governor, for taking money from the NRA and doing absolutely nothing to prevent the next tragedy from happening. I will be doing everything in my power—peacefully and democratically—to make sure this term is the last time you hold elected office.
Florida Governor Ron Desantis
Phone: (850) 717-9337
Email webform (use FL zip code):
Once you’ve contacted Ron DeSantis, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!