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Update: The Federal Commission on School Safety chaired by Betsy DeVos released its final report on December 18, 2018. The commission did not recommend arming teachers, instead advising, “school districts may consider arming some specially selected and trained school personnel.” The report also urged states to adopt Emergency Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) to allow the temporary seizure of firearms from individuals in crisis. On the subject of mental health, the reports stressed there is no statistical correlation between gun violence and mental illness. Finally, the commission argued there is limited evidence to support age-based restrictions on firearm purchases. On the whole, this was a remarkably better result than expected. Thanks to all those who took this action!
In March 2018, Donald Trump appointed incompetent U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to lead a “Federal Commission on School Safety.” The Commission was charged with studying an incredibly serious issue: what can be done to prevent school shootings, which are happening constantly in the United States.

A press advisory issued by the White House announcing the creation of the Commission under DeVos indicated she would be studying the following specific gun-related reforms: implementing Extreme Risk Protection Orders in all 50 states, strengthening the NICS system to improve background checks, and creating age restrictions for certain firearm purchases.
Yet, when DeVos testified before a Senate subcommittee that oversees education spending on June 6, 2018, she lied to Senator Pat Leahy of Vermont and told him that access to guns “was not part of the commission’s charge per se.” DeVos told the subcommittee her Commission has no plans to issue any gun-related recommendations in its upcoming school safety report.
Please contact Betsy DeVos through one of the channels below and give her the following message (personalized to your liking):
You lied to Senator Pat Leahy on June 6, 2018 when you told him the Federal Commission on School Safety wasn’t charged with studying easy access to guns. Your commission was, in fact, tasked with studying that topic by the White House. That was made clear in a press advisory issued by the White House announcing the creation of the school safety commission. This document, still viewable on the WH website, indicates you will be studying implementing Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) in all 50 states, strengthening the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to improve gun buyer background checks, and creating age restrictions for certain firearm purchases. This is a SERIOUS topic your commission is addressing, Secretary DeVos: the safety of our children in the places they learn. Our children are being shot, almost daily, because even the most violent among us can easily get a gun. You know this. Stop lying to Senators and the American People and do the job you were tasked with doing, which includes taking a hard look at easy access to guns.
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
Phone: (202) 401-1576
Once you have contacted Betsy DeVos, click the orange banner below to report taking action!