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The story has become so familiar it is sickening. A negligent father provides his suicidal young son with immediate access to firearms. The son then uses those weapons to kill and injure innocents.

It happened again on Wednesday in Rockford, Washington. 15 year-old Caleb Sharpe went to Freeman High School with an assault rifle (.223 caliber) and handgun and killed another student. Three other students were wounded by gunfire, but will recover. The shooting would have been far worse if Sharpe’s assault rifle had not jammed immediately.
Both Sharpe’s parents and school officials knew he was suicidal. Sharpe’s mother reports that he had written a suicide note one week prior to the shooting. And yet Sharpe’s father gave his son open access to his firearms and ammunition in the home. The 15 year-old was even posting videos of himself simulating shootings with real firearms on YouTube.
Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich is blaming the shooting on the media and a lack of mental health laws, without even mentioning guns. That’s not going to cut it.
Please contact Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich and Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney Larry Haskell through the channels below and give them the following message:
Caleb Sharpe’s father is responsible for arming a son he knew was suicidal. He is an accessory to the hideous crime that happened at Freeman High School on Wednesday. You are going to charge a 15 year-old boy as an adult with first-degree, premeditated murder. Charges should also be brought against the grown man who directly facilitated this homicidal act. The type of absolute negligence this gun owner displayed is totally unacceptable and a direct threat to the public’s safety. Bring charges against the father of Caleb Sharpe.
Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich
Phone: (509) 477-2240
District Attorney Larry Haskell
Phone: (509) 477-3662
Email via webform:
Once you have contacted Sheriff Knezovich and DA Haskell, click the orange banner below to report taking action!