May 2, 2018

Action Alert:
Tell State’s Attorney to Bring Charges Against Puppy Shooter

One day in Vero Beach, Florida, Sharon Jenkins’ puppy Daisy slipped through the fence and wandered onto the property of Jenkins’ neighbor Bobby Parker. Parker spotted Daisy. Then he walked back inside his house to retrieve a loaded gun. Then he came back outside and shot Daisy in the chest.

Sharon found Daisy when the puppy wandered back to the front door, bloody. Daisy is alive, thankfully, but the bullet will remain lodged in her because it is too dangerous to take it out.

After the incident, deputies recommended that charges be filed against Parker.  But State’s Attorney Bruce Colton disagreed, saying the shooting was neither reckless nor negligent, despite the fact that Parker opted to bring a loaded gun outside rather than calling Animal Control or 911. Animal Control only got involved afterwards, when it issued a citation to Sharon for allowing Daisy to get loose.

Please contact State’s Attorney Bruce Colton through one of the channels below with the following message (personalized to your liking):

Bring charges against Bobby Parker immediately for intentionally shooting and wounding the puppy Daisy in Vero Beach. This was an act that was both cruel and negligent. Parker had every opportunity once retreating inside his home to call Animal Control and resolve the situation without violence (assuming you believe his story that Daisy was a threat, which I don’t). He chose to resolve the situation violently, and it’s your job to hold him accountable under the law for it. Cruelty to animals is a key marker for future violent behavior. Stop this man before he shoots something, or someone, else. If not, that blood will be on your hands. I will be watching this case very closely. Do your job. Bring charges against Bobby Parker.

State’s Attorney Bruce Colton
Phone (772) 465-3000 (no voicemail, call during business hours EST)

Once you have contacted State’s Attorney Colton, click the orange banner below to report taking action!

This is an action alert, NOT an online petition. Please take the action before filling out the fields below.

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