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On June 4, 2019, gun violence survivor and freshmen Congresswoman Lucy McBath of Georgia introduced H.R. 3076, the “Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act.” The bill would enact a national ERPO policy that allows family members and law enforcement to petition federal courts to temporarily seize firearms from individuals in crisis (because of domestic violence, severe mental illness, substance abuse, etc.) while ensuring due process.

Rep. McBath’s son Jordan Davis was shot and killed by a racist white man in a textbook “Stand Your Ground” shooting in 2012. The shooter was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Now McBath wants to make sure no other family has to endure the pain hers did. “It is our duty as lawmakers to ensure the safety of all Americans and Extreme Risk laws are a powerful tool that should be available for every single community across our nation,” McBath said during the announcement of H.R. 3076.
The ERPO policy has proven to be uniquely popular with Republicans among gun control laws. Fifteen states have already enacted ERPO laws, including Florida, Colorado, Indiana, Oregon and Vermont.
Please take the following actions:
1) Click the following link to determine if your U.S. Representative has already co-sponsored H.R. 3076:
If you don’t know who your U.S. Representative is, click here:
2) Contact your U.S. Representative through the U.S. Capitol Hotline at (202) 224-3121 and give him/her one of the following two messages, personalized to your liking:
For Reps. who are Already Co-sponsoring H.R. 3076
As your constituent, I wanted to thank you for co-sponsoring Congresswoman Lucy McBath’s H.R. 3076, the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2019. This critical legislation will allow family members and law enforcement to intervene BEFORE a shooting happens and disarm individuals in crisis (because of domestic abuse, mental illness, substance abuse, etc.) It’s important that the House pass a CLEAN version of H.R. 3076. Do NOT allow this bill to be poisoned by gun lobby amendments like H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112 were! A clean bill will give us the standing to pressure the Senate to act on companion legislation. It’s long past time Congress did SOMETHING to keep guns out of the hands of violent people and H.R. 3076 is a modest but positive step forward.
For Reps. who Have Yet to Co-Sponsor H.R. 3076
I am your constituent and I want to see you co-sponsor Congresswoman Lucy McBath’s H.R. 3076, the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, immediately. This critical legislation will allow family members and law enforcement to intervene BEFORE a shooting happens and disarm individuals in crisis (because of domestic abuse, mental illness, substance abuse, etc.). If you want my vote and support, co-sponsor H.R. 3076 and vote for the bill when it comes to the floor of the House. I also want to see you oppose any and all gun lobby amendments to the bill! If you are incapable of supporting a clean version of H.R. 3076, I will be organizing to defeat you in your re-election bid. This issue of gun violence prevention is that important to me and I’m sick and tired of congressional inaction.
Once you have contacted your Representative, fill out the fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!