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In response to lobbying by the NRA, the Trump administration published a federal rule that would remove critical export controls on handguns, semiautomatic assault rifles like the AR-15, .50-caliber sniper rifles and many other firearms. The rule is set to go into effect during the first week of March 2019.
Responsibility for oversight of small arms exports would be transferred from the State Department to the Commerce Department under Wilbur Ross, who has a disturbing past involving illicit business dealings with representatives of oppressive governments overseas. Congressional review of commercial weapon sales totaling $1 million or more would be eliminated outright.
The administration sought comments from the public, then ignored those comments when they overwhelmingly opposed easing gun export controls. New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez plans to put a hold on the rule. but more must be done to stop it.
Please take one or both of the following actions:
1) Call your U.S. Representative through the U.S. Capitol Hotline at (202) 224-3121 and give him/her the following message, personalized to your liking:
I am contacting you to ask you to sign on as a co-sponsor to H.R. 1134, the Prevent Crime and Terrorism Act introduced by Reps. Norma Torres (D-CA-35) and Eliot Engel (D-NY-16) This legislation would block a Trump administration rule to transfer oversight of small arms (firearms) exports from the State Department to the Commerce Department. The rule would make U.S. exports of small arms far more dangerous by transferring controls to an agency that prioritizes doing business over safeguarding our national security. Congressional oversight of commercial weapons sales totaling $1 million or more would also be eliminated by the rule. Why in the world would Congress unilaterally give up its authority to an executive branch looking to boost gun industry profits by any means necessary? The United States has a responsibility to lead on the world stage. We cannot allow the illicit trafficking of American handguns and rifles globally. Such weapons will be used to exacerbate conventional conflicts, leading to more bloodshed. I want to see you sign on as a co-sponsor of H.R. 1134 and vote YES when the bill comes to the House floor. This is a very important issue for me as a voter in your district.
2) Ask your Representative to sign onto a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo being circulated by Representatives Raul Grijalva and Alan Lowenthal. That letter can be found here:
If you don’t know who your U.S. Representative is, or want a direct-dial number or email, click here:
Once you have taken one or more of the above actions, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!