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Update: The Senate confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court by a vote of 50-48 on October 6, 2018. Click here to see how your two senators voted. Thanks to everyone who participated in this campaign and logged your objections to Kavanaugh. It is entirely possible he will impeached in the future on multiple counts of perjury before the Senate.
There was a break in Judge Brett Kavanaugh‘s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 4, 2018. Fred Guttenberg— whose 14 year-old daughter Jamie was stolen from him in a mass shooting involving an assault rifle at Marjory Stoneman Douglas H.S. in Parkland—was sitting near the judge as he rose and attempted to introduce himself. Fred knew Kavanaugh had opined that semiautomatic battlefield rifles like the one that killed Jamie are constitutionally protected, but he really just wanted to talk to the judge “dad to dad.” Kavanaugh has two daughters, ages 13 and 10.

Fred told Kavanaugh his daughter Jamie was shot and killed at Parkland when he approached him. But in a moment that has stunned a nation, Kavanaugh refused to shake Fred’s hand, sneered, turned his back, and walked off without even acknowledging the grieving parent. Worse still, Kavanaugh identified Fred by a wristband he was wearing to honor Jamie and asked security to remove him from the hearing.
At the following day’s hearing, Kavanaugh wrongly told Sen. Dianne Feinstein that Supreme Court precedent compelled him to rule that semiautomatic battlefield rifles like the AR-15 are constitutionally-protected and can’t be banned by the federal or state governments.
Please contact your two U.S. Senators through the U.S. Capitol Hotline at (202) 224-3121 and give them one of the following two messages (feel free to personalize them as you like):
Democrats and Moderate Republicans (Collins, Murkowski, Flake, Gardner, Heller)
As your constituent, I demand you do everything in your power to oppose the confirmation of extreme judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The passion and fear you’ve seen in protesters in Senate hearing rooms and Hill offices is reflective of the way I feel about the judge. He is an existential threat to women’s rights, the environment, gun reform, and so many other issues I care deeply about. Do not back down to Senate Republicans who openly flout the rule of law. Stand tall and help restore our democracy, which means guaranteed equal rights for all Americans. Defeat this nominee! If you cannot do that, if you cast a vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, I will work democratically, peacefully and without rest to ensure you never see elected office again.
Non-Moderate Republicans
As your constituent, I demand you vote against the confirmation of extreme judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The passion and fear you’ve seen in protesters in Senate hearing rooms and Hill offices is reflective of the way I feel about the judge. He is an existential threat to women’s rights, the environment, gun reform, and many other issues I care deeply about. Party does not come before country, Senator. We have a president in the White House who has engaged in treason and organized crime on a global scale. The threat to our democracy is real and there is no way Trump should be allowed to confirm a Justice after being named as an unindicted co-conspirator. If you cast a vote in favor of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation and threaten the well-being of my family, I will work democratically, peacefully and without rest to ensure you never see elected office again.
If you don’t know who your two Senators are, or want their direct-dial numbers, click here:
If you would prefer to call critical swing Senators as opposed to your own two Senators, here are direct-dial numbers:
Senator Susan Collins (R-ME): 202-224-2523
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK): 202-224-6665
Senator Jon Tester (D-MT): 202-224-2644
Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND): 202-224-2043
Senator Joe Donnelly (D-IN): 202-224-4814
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV): 202-224-3954
Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO): 202-224-5941
Senator Dean Heller (R-NV): 202-224-6244
Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ): 202-224-4521
Once you have contacted two Senators, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner above to report taking action! The reporting of multiple actions has been enabled.
[This alert has been updated several times since it was originally posted. Every iteration of the alert has called for Trump’s nominee to be blocked.]