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On April 10, 2018, Bank of America announced it would stop doing business with manufacturers, distributors and sellers of assault weapons like the AR-15. The bank will no longer be underwriting or financing these companies.
Bank of America spokesperson Anne Finucane told Bloomberg TV that the bank wants to help reduce mass shootings. They have a “handful” of clients that manufacture firearms and they have had an “intense conversation” with them about assault weapons in recent months. Finucane said some of their gun clients understand they must downsize their portfolio or break ties with Bank of America.
Bank of America is ranked second in U.S. banks by total assets and wields enormous influence when it comes to corporate philanthropy. Their decision follows that of Citigroup, which announced on March 22, 2018 it would stop lending to businesses that sell bump stocks or high-capacity magazines, or that sell long guns to customers under age 21.
Please contact Bank of America through one of the channels below and give them the following message (personalized to your liking):
Thank you so much for making the decision to stop doing business with clients that manufacture, distribute or sell assault weapons like the AR-15. I appreciate that Bank of America is concerned about the constant mass shootings plaguing our country. Would you also please consider ceasing to do business with companies that make or sell high-capacity ammunition magazines? High-cap mags (more than 10 rounds) are actually a more common element in mass shootings than assault rifles. And please do talk about what you did with your competitors in the financial services industry. They should be following your example. I hope this is just a start for Bank of America and you will take additional steps in the future to make sure your clients are not selling weapons that end up in the hands of violent people.
Bank of America
Phone: 1-800-432-1000
Once you have contacted Bank of America, click the orange banner below to report taking action!