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Update: In April 2019, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto signed the omnibus gun control bill described below into law (including an assault weapons ban). Pittsburgh has agreed not to enforce these new gun laws, however, until lawsuits brought by Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League, Firearm Owners Against Crime, and three individual gun owners are resolved. Thanks to all those who contacted Mayor Peduto and told him to push forward with the legislation!
After eleven people were killed and six injured on October 27, 2018 at the Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh mayor Bill Peduto and members of the city council vowed to do something meaningful to respond to the tragedy. With the endorsement of Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf, they went to work on an ambitious package of gun reform legislation that will be considered by the Pittsburgh city council on December 18.

In a robust democracy, local goverment plays a vital role in determining public safety policies for communities like Pittsburgh (pop: 350K). But some time ago the NRA was successful in getting its allies in Pennsylvania’s state government to enact a “preemption” law that prohibits cities and municipalities from enacting any gun laws tougher than state laws. That has triggered multiple legal battles in recent years between cities attempting to protect their residents, who are dying from gun violence, and NRA lawyers.
The gun control package put together by the mayor and city council is ambitious. It includes a ban on assault weapons, bump stocks and armor-piercing ammunition and an Extreme Risk Protection Order policy. Mayor Peduto said he is tired of hearing “there is nothing we can do” to lessen “mass homicide and the deaths that are occurring on a daily basis.” If the NRA believed that, Peduto said, they’d come out of hiding and defend their case int the city of Pittsburgh. “I will welcome them to walk the streets of the City of Pittsburgh,” Peduto said, “to hear from real Americans about what it is that we want to see done.”
Please contact Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto through one of the channels below and give him the following message, personalized to your liking:
I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the efforts you and the PIttsburgh City Council are making to enact a strong package of legislative reforms on gun control after the terrible mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue and so many other tragedies. I, too, believe we need laws banning assault weapons, bump stocks, and armor-piercing ammunition. And it would give me comfort to have an ERPO process in place so that families and law enforcement can temporarily sieze firearms from individuals in crisis (substance abuse, severe mental illness, domestic abuse, etc.) and provide help. I am standing with you 100% in your effort to enact this legsiative package into law and I will support your effort to encourage other cities to do the same. I believe your courage will serve as an example to others and start a wave. Thank you!
Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto
Phone: (412) 255-2626
After you contact Mayor Peduto, please fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!