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Houston – as reported in Huffington Post and elsewhere, Police Chief Art Acevedo hit out at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other congresspeople for appearing to care more about the National Rifle Association than victims of gun violence.
You can watch his wave-making speech here.
He said: “I don’t want to see their little smug faces about about how much they care about law enforcement when I’m burying a sergeant because they don’t want to piss off the NRA,”
Laying down the gauntlet, his speech challenged McConnell and Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. “Make up your minds. Whose side are you on? Gun manufacturers, the gun lobby — or the children that are getting gunned down in this country every single day?” he said
The Senate’s failure to renew the federal Violence Against Women Act is also cause for his consternation.
Standing up like this to the pro-gun status quo is quite a heroic feat, and we will send him our thanks
Please contact Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
Dear Chief Acevedo
I wanted to thank you for your wise and brave words on gun control and calling out the inexcusable behaviour of Mitch McConnell. It is appreciated.
In your speech you asked pro-NRA senators and McConnell ‘whose side are you on?’ I am glad to have you on my side, the side that wants gun law reform. As a member of One Pulse for America, the gun-law reform group started by George Takei following the Pulse nightclub shooting tragedy, it is wonderful – and refreshing – to see a senior police figure like you call for life-saving change.
Suggested tweet:
@ArtAcevedo just saying thank you; as a member of gun law reform group @1Pulse4America I really appreciate your speech. We are also wondering why @senatemajldr is sitting on life-saving gun reform bills since February, not least as the @NRA has been deemed a Russian asset.
Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!