The NRA, awash with Russian money and spies, is trying to hide behind the flag and the Constitution, and is whining about Canada’s new gun law. The gun lobbyists who normally tell people such as celebrities to ‘stay in their lane’ have decided to deride Canada’s new lifesaving legislation.
Earlier this year Nova Scotia saw its worst-ever gun massacre which left 22 dead. This swiftly led to new legislation banning assault-style weapons. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the press: “These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. There is no use and no place for such weapons in Canada. Effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import or use military-grade assault weapons in this country.”
The NRA is triggered – a phrase their members often use to attack gun control activists who campaign for gun law reform. Let’s point out their several hypocrisies. The NRA pushes an exaggerated version of the 2nd Amendment and tries to ridicule and shut down any debate – yet they claim to uphold American values such as freedom of speech. The NRA wants to be thought of as true blue patriots and yet took funds from Russian operatives close to Putin – operatives who wanted to influence the 2016 election. NRA supporters (including Trump) regularly point to crimes in other countries and claim if citizens were armed, the crimes wouldn’t have happened – ignoring heavily-armed America’s sky-high gun death toll. They don’t want anyone outside of America to try and tell them what to do (except the Russians presumably) but the NRA now wants to tell Canada what to do. The NRA is giving us whiplash with its ever-changing positions and complete lack of consistency.
Ridicule the NRA’s untenable, illogical position on social media – let people see that you disagree with the NRA; this will encourage others to follow.
Please contact Russia’s Asset the NRA through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
We’re used to NRA exaggeration and your hyperbole but you’re beyond embarrassing when you criticize Canada’s sensible, democratically-driven ban on military grade, assault-style weapons.
You carp on about your patriotism – all the while your organization took money from Russia and welcomed Russian operatives such as Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin. I’m amazed that after a Senate sub-committee found the NRA to be a Russian Asset you have the nerve to keep pretending you are somehow patriotic. And now the NRA has the gall to criticize Canada in your tweet using the American flag which is really, really embarrassing. You most definitely do not speak for all Americans, and it’s great to see you are in financial difficulty.
More and more people are seeing through your scandals and ill-logic, and that’s great news to me. Congratulations to the people of Canada who actually value lives on their sensible gun control legislation; they really don’t care what the NRA thinks – if it thinks at all.
Canada really triggered you, and for an organisation that likes to call its critics ‘snowflakes’ your tweet is sheer hypocrisy. After that pathetic tweet trying to tell Canada what to do, the NRA can never tell any gun law reform activist to ‘stay in their lane’ again.
-OR- recommended reply to their tweet:
Thank you Canada for showing sense. NRA – a Senate sub-committee deemed you to be a Russian Asset for taking Russian money and aiding Russian operatives who tried to tamper with the 2016 election. No one buys your fake patriotism, and I’m so glad you’re in financial trouble.
Phone: 800 672 3888
Facebook: (NB they block posts, may block comments too)
Twitter: – link to their tweet
Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!
70-80% of the comments are anti NRA, let’s keep that ratio up – it really does matter.