Feb 16, St Sabina – Spike Lee took a stand against the NRA in a speech that followed yet another week of bloodshed in the Chicago area.

As the Chicago Sun Times reports, Mr Lee said: “I think that we gotta take down the NRA.
“We have more guns than any other country on God’s planet, and we’re all getting tired,” Lee told reporters on Sunday.
The paper also reported it was Rev. Michael Pfleger, a staunch anti-violence advocate, invited Lee to speak at his church on Sunday, honoring him with an award and heralding the Academy Award winner as “the Dr. King of the film industry.”
During his speech, Lee urged the young people in attendance to pursue higher education and encouraged them to follow their creative instincts.
“You were brought to this Earth to do good things,” Lee said after meeting each youngster on hand for the service.
Like it or not, we are in an age where those with celebrity (often for the wrong reasons) are huge influencers. Some use their fame to seek power, to bully, to coerce. We have Ted Nugent, inexplicably famous for his music, representing the NRA and using his fame to call for Democrats to be shot. Then we have people like Spike Lee, who was in town to encourage young filmmakers, using his celebrity status to try to save lives. Let’s thank him.
Please contact Spike Lee through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
Thank you Spike Lee for speaking out against the NRA – we’re with you: the NRA must go. It owns politicians; a senate subcommittee proved the NRA is a Russian asset. While Russian money is flooding into congress and state senates, people are dying. Your comments carry a lot of weight, and are appreciated. I’ll be sharing them with my friends. https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/2/16/21140182/weekend-gun-violence-leaves-10-kids-wounded-spike-lee-takes-aim-nra-during-stop-st-sabina?fbclid=IwAR0sloKyZpBsh9ovPW5F_njToZg6O97zkWr_ocDL-rgq-txoFCarrij2qaU
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@40AcresBrooklyn Thank you Spike Lee for speaking out “I think that we gotta take down the NRA. We have more guns than any other country on God’s planet, and we’re all getting tired” Senate proved NRA’s a Russian Asset- NRA terrorism must end https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/2/16/21140182/weekend-gun-violence-leaves-10-kids-wounded-spike-lee-takes-aim-nra-during-stop-st-sabina?utm_campaign=chicago.suntimes&utm_content=entry&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter via @SunTimes
Email: contactus@40acres.com
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[PS from Suzanne Kelly – So many great Spike Lee films; one favourite is BlackKKlansman an absolute epic – highly recommended]