Protesters include people armed with semi-automatic weapons. These organized demonstrations have blocked ambulances from hospitals, and those participating are seen to disregard social distancing – a crucial means to help stop the spread of the corona virus.
While supposedly about the ‘loss of freedoms’ they equate with taking measures to stay alive and keep others alive, these rallies include people displaying pro-gun banners, neo-nazi symbols and pro-Trump placards.
The Dorr brothers are behind several Facebook groups involved in inciting these demonstrations, which are endangering the health of demonstrators and first-responders alike – all while extreme gun views and far right activists attempt to intimidate governors.
Donald Trump fuelled the fire by tweeting several messages calling for people to ‘liberate’ states such as Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia. Virginia is a particular target for pro-gun activists as it has just passed life-saving gun reform legislation. Trump’s remarks have been widely condemned, and some constitutional experts are calling them incitements to sedition. The NRA has approved of these demonstrations in a series of tweets.
The governors who imposed lockdowns are under threat – for trying to save the lives of their citizens from the pandemic, which has already claimed 42,000 American lives. The idea of anyone – let alone three pro-gun extremists and the president – exploiting this situation to put pressure on state governors is unacceptable – more so because of the intimidating presence of automatic weapons. With tempers running high, and armed and angry people taking to the streets, we will send the governors messages of support.
Note: per Newsweek‘Kentucky reports highest corona virus infection increase after a week of protests to reopen state.’
Please contact the Governors of Kentucky, Virginia, Minnesota, and Michigan through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
I wanted to send you a message of support – you are clearly doing your best to stop the spread of the deadly corona virus in your state. It disgusts me that far right extremists are organizing protests against your life-saving measures. Those responsible are not only the three reprehensible, notorious Dorr brothers who are pushing their extremist gun views – but also Donald Trump who has misused his office for political gain in my eyes. Instead of calling for calm and supporting the states with tests, ventilators and appeals for calm, he has brazenly challenged governors who do not kowtow to him with a series of tweets asking people to ‘liberate’ their states. I agree with constitutional experts who feel this is a drastic misuse of presidential power bordering on sedition.
These protests include people waiving automatic weapons; the Dorr brothers are known gun-law extremists, and with tempers flaring, I fear there will be gun violence before long. I put the responsibility for this on the Door brothers for inciting violence while the death toll from corona is 44,000 and climbing: and on a president who has deliberately poured gasoline on the flames. I feel badly for those who will be infected as the protestors seem to disregard social distancing protocols -sadly this will include first-responders and the innocent.
Do not let a minority of uninformed protestors – some with the none-too-hidden agenda of causing fear and encouraging gun violence to sway you. Thank you for all you are doing.
Do not let a minority of uninformed protestors – some with the none-too-hidden agenda of causing fear and encouraging gun violence to sway you. Thank you for all you are doing.
Suggested Tweet: @gretchenwhitmer @GovTimWalz @GovernorVA @GovAndyBeshear I support your life-saving lockdown measures and condemn extremists eg the Dorr brothers who push pro-gun propaganda while posing as anti-lockdown protestors: they r making the pandemic worse Thank you and 1st responders
Facebook: Andy Beshear (KY) ; Ralph Northam (VA) ; Tim Walz (MN) ; Gretchen Witmer (MI)
Twitter: @gretchenwhitmer @GovTimWalz @GovernorVA @GovAndyBeshearOr find the phone number, email and fax information for governors here:
Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!