Support March for our Lives’ game-changing Peace Plan

August 2019 – March for our Lives, the gun law reform campaign group, has launched a new manifesto.

As Ladd Everett shared with One Pulse for America’s Facebook group yesterday, this is the deal:

March For Our Lives released a revolutionary new gun control policy document today titled “A Peace Plan for a Safer America.” It recommends:
1) National gun licensing and registration
2) Computerization of gun sale records
3) National gun buyback program to reduce American stockpile of firearms by at least 30%.
4) Repeal of legal immunity for gun industry
5) Blanket prohibition on online gun sales
6) Assault Weapons Ban
7) National requirement to safely store firearms and report theft/loss within 72 hours
8) Declaration of national emergency by president
9) Launch of public safety campaign to educate Americans about dangers of owning a firearm (homicide + suicide risk)
10) $900 million over eight years for community intervention programs in urban areas
11) Automatic voter registration at 18
12) Attorney General study questioning validity of the DC v. HELLER decision (2008) by Justice Scalia.
As Ladd wrote, “…Incredibly inspiring. This will change GVP advocacy for the better!”
One Pulse for America is only too happy to support this initiative.
Later on we will be taking an action to write to all  congresspeople seeking re-election.  For now, all you need to do is sign up for March for Life’s Peace Plan here: – and ideally share it too.

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!