In March 2018 the NRA issued a threatening video they called ‘Time’s Up’, mocking the Time’s Up movement. In the video they threatened anyone who stood against their aims, calling them ‘unpatriotic’ and ‘unAmerican’. But the shocking truth is now out: when the NRA made that video, they had already been a Russian asset for years.
It’s hard to summarize all of the recent bad news the NRA has happily experienced lately. There is infighting, resignations at top level, lawsuits, the end of NRA-TV. But a game-changing newly-released Senate Finance committee minority report concludes the NRA enabled Russian agents in undermining our democracy. The report also said NRA members tried to enrich their private interests contrary to its tax-exempt status. It is time to pull out all the stops and do everything we can to bring it down while it is in a very weakened condition.
We will take several actions in the next week against the NRA, starting with Action 1, to demand New York State uses powers it has over the NRA.
Action 1: Attack the NRA through its New York company
The NRA is registered in New York State, and as an article in The Trace earlier this year reports, that means the state’s attorney general can take powerful actions now that the NRA has clearly been shown in violation of its tax-exempt status.
New York’s attorney general can dissolve the NRA outright (which would be fantastic but which is unrealistic – this has rarely been done). The state can get inside the NRA and monitor it from within (which the NRA would absolutely hate), and it can remove board and staff members (but with so many coming and going at present, it might not make much difference).
We will ask New York State’s Attorney General to immediately monitor the NRA from inside – this is more than likely to uncover further issues related to the Senate committee’s report. We will also recommend she considers dissolving the Russian-aiding entity.
To repeat, this is only one of a number of anti-NRA actions we will take this week; the more who take these actions and share them, the more effective they will be. This could definitely be the end for the NRA – if everyone keeps the pressure on.
Please contact New York State’s Attorney General Letitia James through one of the channels below and give her the following message, personalized to your liking:
Dear Ms James
The newly-released Senate Committee on Finance Staff Minority Report on the NRA has revealed extremely shocking evidence warranting your action. I write to respectfully ask you to move to appoint a receiver to oversee the group’s operations, and for you to consider dissolving it outright.
Additionally with the report highlighting how NRA members travelled to Russia to further their own personal ends, even meeting with sanctioned people, there is no way the NRA should retain a tax-exempt status.
I hope you will do what so clearly needs to be done in light of the damning report; I would be grateful if you can reply to me.
If you are a NY resident, please also add that to your message to Letitia James.
Suggested Tweet: @NewYorkStateAG I respectfully request you urgently appoint a receiver to monitor the disgraced NRA. Ideally I want to see it dissolved following the damning Senate Committee report . Something must be done now and the NRA must lose tax-exempt status too
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