Watch and share ‘back to school’ video from Sandy Hook Promise

September 2019 – With American school children returning to their classrooms, the gun law reform organisation Sandy Hook Promise created a powerful, moving video which has been watched and shared by millions.  Hopefully it will help spur our lawmakers to act and raise awareness of what risks we are subjecting young people to, not least the psychological harms.

The video depicts child actors at first behaving as if it were a normal, safe back to school day.

This soon turns terrifying and heartbreaking.

Young people are seen fleeing, hiding, getting ready to defend themselves – and sending messages to loved ones.

Please be aware of the warning that accompanies it – if you would find it too upsetting, then please do not watch.


Watch the video (if you feel able), and please consider sharing it, if appropriate to your circumstances.  And if you feel like leaving a comment on whatever platform you’ve watched it on such as a message of support, please do.

Links to video:


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