1 July 2019 – Celebrating America’s Independence from Tyranny seems premature in New Jersey after several police shot unarmed Fourth of July revellers who had fireworks.
The Hudson County prosecutor’s office said a lieutenant and two officers were on patrol around 10:15 p.m. near the Arlington Gardens Housing Complex on Ralph Avenue.
The details of the case have not all been released, but according to ABC News, none of the men shot at were armed.

ABC reported: “Thomas Ashley, who represents 21-year-old Devante Moore and 19-year-old Shyquan Rush, says his clients were unarmed when the officers opened fire Monday night. He’s alleging excessive force after he said the officers began firing without warning.”
The police said “There are no indications of any violations of the attorney general guidelines on the officers’ part.”
If that is true, the police shooting unarmed people, apparently without warning and apparently from behind is perfectly legal.
Please contact Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office and/or Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
I am disgusted at the behavior of the police who, responding to reports of fireworks, shot young men who were unarmed, and that the police insist there are no violations of the attorney general guidelines on the officers’ part.”
I denounce the shooting of 21-year-old Devante Moore and 19-year-old Shyquan Rush on 1 July in Jersey City, and want the officers involved to be suspended pending an investigation. If they cannot tell the difference between fireworks noise – close to the 4th of July – and gunshots, and if they would shoot young people from behind, I do not want them anywhere near a gun, and I do not want them on the police force at all. In fact, I want to see them prosecuted for illegally discharging weapons, endangering lives, and using excessive force.
It is disgraceful that the first statements coming from the police is that they acted lawfully – we shall see – but it is true the young men were unarmed. It is understood the police did not issue any warning, and shot the men from behind: is that really how you want New Jersey run, and is that really compliant with state and federal law?
Suspend these officers now. I will be watching this case and your actions carefully. The current situation of allowing them to work and saying this was somehow legal is unacceptable.
Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office
Phone: (201) 795 6400
Email: hcpo@hcpo.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HCProsecutor/
Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop
Phone: (201) 547-5200
Email: Email: c/o Laura Varsalona, Division of Communications lvarsalona@jcnj.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steven.fulop/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StevenFulop