January 14, 2025

Action Alert:
Block RFK Jr from Health & Human Services Post

RFK Jr and Trump


Trump wants to appoint bizarre, pro-gun RFK Jr to head the Department of Health & Human Services:  Let’s try to stop it.

Whoever gets into this department can set back gun law reform.  RFK Jr doesn’t believe guns are the problem:  he’s on record blaming video games and antidepressants! Somehow the rest of the world has games and medication yet doesn’t remotely approach the USA’s gun death and injury levels.  You probably also know some of his anti-science stances as well:  he is extremely anti-vaccine, and believes in raw milk despite the health risks.  He is likely to oppose any future research into gun culture and use by the DH&HS if he gets in, and could undo its existing work.

For this action, please sign this petition from Move On.  Just click on this link:

RFK Jr. is not fit to lead the Department of Health and Human Services! | MoveOn

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27 people have taken this action