SUCCESS! Charges Dropped Demand Trumped-up charges against Rep Scott are dropped

UPDATE 6 October 2020 – we are delighted to report all charges have been dropped. Many thanks to everyone who took the time to act.

The Louisville prosecutorial forces shockingly found nothing wrong with the actions of police who killed Breonna Taylor and shot her partner in a bungled raid.

They have however shockingly decided  to charge elected Representative Attica Scott with regard to rioting:  for trying to get to a church before curfew as police blocked her route.

Quoting news outlet WFPL:

“Scott is the only Black woman in the Kentucky legislature and is the sponsor of Breonna’s Law For Kentucky, a bill that seeks to ban no-knock warrants, create penalties for officers who don’t turn on their body cameras and require drug testing of officers involved in shootings.

“She also previously served on Louisville Metro Council.

“Scott said her arrest is another instance of Louisville police responding poorly during the protests.

“’They’ve used these militarized assault weapons against us, weapons of chemical warfare. And this week has been no different,” Scott said. “It’s as if they want war, they want battle with the people they are paid to protect and serve.’

“Scott recorded the event in a video on Instagram, which begins nearly eight minutes before her arrest. The video shows Scott and a group of people walking to a Unitarian church that was providing shelter for protesters, but at several points police block their way.”

County Attorney Mike O’Connell has refused to comment.

There will be a Rally + Press conference :  organisers said “on our court date 10/6 1pm. Please join us as we speak on Breonna’s law & our false arrest and how we go forward from here.”


Please contact Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


I write to demand you drop any and all charges against Representative Attica Scott and those arrested with her.

The world has had a chance to see her video of the minutes leading to the arrest.  You have no evidence linking her to vandalism or any crime.  Zero.

Ms Scott is a peaceful, legally-elected representative of the people.  The only evidence shows people were prevented by police from getting to a church in time for curfew and that an officer threatened to break her mobile phone.  Even the library you allege without proof she had a hand in vandalizing wrote a statement supporting her:  what are you doing??

I expect to have a reply from your department immediately – you surely know you are doing the wrong thing here.

 or this tweet

@JeffCoAttyKY Drop trumped-up charges against Rep Attica Scott: You can’t be seriously trying to press charges re rioting – we’ve seen the video:- police corralled her and her small peaceful group and police threatened to break her phone. She’s an elected rep- you’ve gone 2 far.

Phone:  (502) 574-6336

Email: (form)




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Trump: You don’t keep promises and it costs lives

1 October, Las Vegas three years ago – 58 people were murdered; they wanted a happy day out with friends.  The guns available to their murderer were so high-tech and so powerful, he killed from a great distance away and they had no chance.  No ‘good guy with a gun’ (an NRA myth) would have been able to save those innocent lives in the small amount of time in which they died.  However, better gun laws just might have saved them – laws Trump promised he would bring in.

Within a month Trump was renewing the gun law reform promises made during his campaign which he had abandoned.

In this BBC article’s embedded video, Trump says “…we need background checks so that ‘sick’ people don’t get guns.” 

He also talked about ‘doing a lot of work after Parkland’ -which is dubious, and the president also said “We can do very meaningful background checks; I want to see it happen.”

The only thing that happened is that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sat on bipartisan bills the House passed to the Senate to vote on which would have meant better background checks.  Mitch is proud of stopping gun law reform, and likes to think of himself, even now during the devastating pandemic as ‘The Grim Reaper’ who won’t let bills be voted on.  Trump had an eye-watering $30 million   from the NRA and Mitch $1.29 million  ; all at a time when the NRA was hopelessly compromised by its involvement with Russian agents and Russian money.

We will remind Trump – but more crucially we will remind voters – that Trump made these gun law reform promises and discarded them, undoubtedly costing lives:  Trump’s promises must not be taken seriously by voters.


Please contact Trump and/or McConnell through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking.  Reminder- we are not going to change Trump or McConnell; our purposes are to show people that there is opposition to the pair’s gun policies, to show people that there is visible opposition to how the pair have acted over guns, and not least to remind voters that they cannot trust Trump to keep promises:


Yesterday was the third anniversary of the Las Vegas shooting which claimed 58 lives.  You promised gun law reform before you got into office and again after this tragedy:  WHERE IS IT?

McConnell sits on two bipartisan bills which could have saved lives; he has the audacity to proudly call himself ‘The Grim Reaper’ even during a pandemic.  His contempt for lives and the House makes him unfit for office.  If he cared about the Constitution, he would allow votes on bills from the House.

Mr Trump, I want every voter to understand that your promises are empty and you are not to be trusted.  Reasonable people, however they feel about guns, have to acknowledge that you will say things you don’t mean, cannot be relied on, and do not follow through on your word.  You are unfit to be president, and I pledge to Vote You Out.

-or this tweet:-

@realDonaldTrump @senatemajldr Trump promised gun law reforms; he lied. It’s 3 years since Las Vegas shooting- no change. McConnell calls himself Grim Reaper as he’s killed gun law reform bills which cd have saved lives. You can’t vote for people you can’t trust. VOTE THEM OUT!

Phone:  202-456-1111
Email: (form)

Mitch McConnell
Phone:  (270) 781-1673
Email:  (form)

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

Sign letter on Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Finding

Louisville – a grand jury that met in secret decided to hold  NO ONE accountable for the shooting death of Breonna Taylor.

We agree with her family and their lawyer who called this a sham.

We will publish the letter below, and send copies to relevant law enforcement agencies, to Ms Taylor’s family’s attorney, to local media, to relevant elected officials.

Please also share it on social media.

To have your name added as a signatory, please add your name, town and state in the comments on the One Pulse post.

We the undersigned members of One Pulse for America are appalled and angry that a Kentucky Grand Jury ruled no one is guilty for the death of Breonna Taylor, shot multiple times in her own home during a late-night raid which should never have been authorized in the first place.

One Pulse for America is an 81,000-strong gun law reform group formed by actor and activist George Takei following the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub.

We agree with Ms Taylor’s family that these were ‘sham proceedings’.

We agree with lawyer Ben Crump who said “nothing seems to say Breonna mattered,” adding that the Kentucky grand jury carried-out a “sham proceeding that did nothing to give Breonna Taylor a voice.”

We understand FBI findings as to her death were disregarded.  We welcome the FBI’s findings and will be watching closely.

We demand that the officers and those who planned this raid be charged appropriately; this has not happened.

We demand that recruitment and training be immediately upgraded.

We demand law enforcement agencies actively seek out and expel anyone who espouses racist, bigoted views:  they cannot ‘protect and serve’.

We demand an immediate end to ‘no knock’ and ‘dawn’ raids as they cannot be conducted without innocent people being hurt or killed as we have seen before now.

Finally, we express our sincere sympathy to all of Breonna’s family, friends, colleagues – and to all those who are suffering because of her death.

We reaffirm our call to reform America’s gun laws.

Child with autism shot: Demand officers charged, arrested

4 September, Salt Lake City, Utah – A family’s problems dealing with a 13-year-old autistic child turned into hell:  police summoned to help get him to medical attention instead shot him.  He is now in the hospital with damage to his intenstines, ankle, shoulder, colon and nervous system.

Mother Golda Barton also confirmed she called the police and asked for a crisis intervention team to help her manage the situation and get her son treatment.
“I said, ‘Look, he’s unarmed. He doesn’t have anything.
“He just gets mad and he starts yelling and screaming,'” according to CNN.
Salt Lake City Police Sgt. Keith Horrocks said in a news conference on Saturday that officers had been called to the area because a boy was having a “psychological episode and had made threats to some folks with the weapon.”
The call should be on tape.  It can easily be discerned whether or not this 13-year-old had any lethal weapon and whether the mother or Sgt Horrocks is lying.  Instead, the force is clearly covering up for itself, talking of long investigations, reviews, etc:  no one has been arrested.
Police spokesman Greg Wilking has apparently shown zero concern for the family, the hospitalized, traumatized child.  He did say:  “Mom can say whatever she wants, but there’s this investigation that has to happen and this process that has to take place…”
The child will never be the same; the family will have horrendous issues not least the medical bills – and the police are kicking this into the long grass.

ACTION:  Please contact Salt Lake City police through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


Phone:  801.799.300



Twitter:  @slcpd

Any adult who cannot deal with a 13-year-old child with autism having an episode should not be on a police force.

What kind of police officer shoots a little boy?  What kind of officer shoots a little boy with a mental health issue they’ve been called to help?  What kind of officer shoots an unarmed little boy?


Why not release the phone call tape and any bodycam intel you have now – as you insist this little boy required your officers to use lethal force?
Your spokesman’s sarcastic comment ‘Mom can say whatever she wants’ is disgusting.
We note that Utah police seem to be trigger happy, and Utah police have now shot more people than it did in 2020 according to some sources.
This family has been destroyed – and you seem to be lying about it in my opinion.  What weapon did this child have?  Who did they threaten?  Did you send a crisis team or a swat team?  If you have 100% proof the little boy had a deadly weapon – produce it now.  Prove that you are not trigger-happy, untrained, irresponsible bullies – because that is how the world rightly sees you today.
Officers who shot a child do not belong on the force, even in Utah.  Fire these people and charge them today.  This is a disgusting situation and you are 100% responsible unless you charge these officers. Take them off the street for all our sakes.
OR a tweet-

you have the audacity to tweet about kids heading back to school after you just shot a little boy with autism? Who do you think you’re fooling? Claim he was armed – where’s your evidence? Arrest, charge the officers TODAY – get them off the streets now. Where’s bodycam?

Tell Trump shooting someone 7 times is not the same as choking at golf

Jacob Blake

Kenosha, Wisconsin – protests continue following the shooting – seven times in the back at point blank range – of Jacob Blake on August 23rd.

Jacob BlakeFar right protesters are coming from out of state and inciting violence.  They including 17-year old Kyle Rittenhouse who is now on a murder charge:  his mother drove him and his weapon to the demonstrations, where he shot two people dead.

Far right protesters have been driving through streets lined with demonstrators, shooting them with paintball guns – a sinister message that they could be shooting for real.

President Trump defied the mayor’s pleas to stay away.  He refused to condemn Rittenhouse’s actions, and instead implied that Rittenhouse was in fear for his life – remarks that could certainly sway any jury, coming from the president as they do.  In fact, Rittenhouse was too young to have a weapon without parental supervision in Wisconsin, which is a misdemeanor charge to add to his five felony charges including his two victims who died.  This highlights how disconnected the country’s gun laws are.

However, Trump’s words to Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday show how totally lacking in empathy he is.  President Trump compared police officers who shoot people to golfers who “choke” in a tournament and “miss a three-foot putt.”

We have a president with no concept of ‘excessive force’, who went back on his early promises to reform gun law, and whose intellectual grasp of Mr Blake’s shooting is ‘there’s a whole big thing there.


Please contact Donald Trump through one of the channels below and give him the following message, personalized to your liking:


I am disgusted that you have shown a complete lack of empathy for a man shot seven times in the back at point blank range and his family.  You compared the officer who took this action to golfers who “choke” in a tournament and “miss a three-foot putt.”

There is no reason to have made such a callous, bizarre attempt at analogy, but for the record:- being paralyzed or killed because a police officer ‘choked’ is not to be flippantly compared to someone’s golf score.  I find it unbelievable anyone in a position of power would say such a thing. 

I will remember your unacceptable golf analogy in November when I vote, just like I will remember how you ignored your promises to tackle gun law reform.  Instead, your 2016 campaign took millions of dollars from the NRA – at a time it was taking money from Russia and dealing with Russian operatives.  A senate sub committee dubbed your NRA patron ‘ a Russian asset’ – yet you took no action on this, or on the recent discovery that the Russian government was paying a bounty to the Taliban for killing our servicemen and women.  I will remind all of my family, friends and colleagues of these powerful reasons to vote against your re-election.

I call on our next president to act on gun law reform as a matter of urgency, and for an across-the-boards vast improvement in screening and training police officers.

-OR- send this tweet, altered to your liking:

@realDonaldTrump you compare shooting of #JacobBlake – 7x point blank in the back to a golfer choking on a 3′ putt. What kind of leader has so little empathy? When I vote I’ll think of this, your $$$ from Russian-funded @NRA and your inaction on Russian bounty on our troops.

President Donald Trump
Phone:  202-456-1111
Email: (form)

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

Jacob Blake shooting – arrest and charge police now

24 August 2020, Kenosha, Wisconsin – Three police officers caught on video are alleged to have tased and beaten a man, who moments later they shot in the back – seven times. Their victim is in stable condition; his children who witnesses the attack are obviously traumatized.  The police are facing nothing more serious than suspension at present.

With no arrests, the officers have been at liberty to do as they please, perhaps even ‘get their stories straight’? – as the family and community suffers.

Kenosha police do not have to wear video cams; they go by audio recordings only.  Two of the officers shouted ‘drop the knife’ at Mr  Blake although the witness who filmed the shooting say he did not see a knife.  In the video it looks as if there was no knife but car keys.

There is no need to wait for an investigation before there are arrests: they shot a man in the back seven times at point blank range.

The level of force was wholly disproportionate.

Sadly, this is Wisconsin.

The Kenosha District Attorney is Michael D Graveley, here he is pictured n 2016 after winning an award.

Gina Barton of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote an article in May of this year, highlighting 18 deaths at the hands of Wisconsin police:  many of these deaths saw no charges brought, such as Larry Jenkins, shot while fleeing in 2002.

Let’s demand charges are brought immediately against police who shot Mr Blake.


Please contact Kenosha County District Attorney Michael D Graveley through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


The police officers who were involved in assaulting and then shooting Jacob Blake in the back – seven times at point blank range – are not under arrest:  why not?

Surely anyone with or without a badge who has acted in such a manner needs to be immediately arrested and charged appropriately.  As it stands, there are three officers who were seen to assault Mr Blake, who allegedly tased him, and then shot him in the back using lethal force when not necessary.  If he was tased, it is also possible he was in great pain and disorientated – the officers seem to have taken no account of this at all.

There is an allegation he had a knife – it looks as if he only had car keys.  With immediate effect I want to see the relevant officers arrested and charged to ensure they do not get a chance more than they have already enjoyed to ‘get their story straight,’ and I call on you to ensure that there is no attempt to in any way intimidate or interfere with the witness who captured the sickening events on tape.

It looks like Mr Blake may just have been trying to break up an argument – which would be even more damning for the police.  In any event, there was never any call to shoot him in the back at point blank range a massive seven times – and the person who did this needs to be behind bars:  not arresting them is an affront to justice.

Support including financial support must be made immediately to ensure the welfare of Mr Blake’s family, and going forward I want to see:  1 only competent, highly-trained police who have been screened to ensure no racists are given badges and guns; 2 immediate roll-out of mandatory body cam for all officers; 3 an independent inquiry into the operations of the Kenosha Police Department’s procedures and past controversial shootings.

Even a brief visit to the Kenosha County DA’s Facebook page paints a very damning picture of how the police and your office operate, and this has to end today.

Phone:  262-653-2400

Email:  (form)  and/ or


Twitter:  @KenoshaCounty


And if you want to, please copy in the FBI:  they have a remit to investigate police corruption and racism, and sadly Kenosha looks like it would be fertile ground for such investigations:

Phone:  (202) 324-3000



Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Breonna Taylor 5 Months on: Many excuses, Zero arrests

Kentucky 13 August 2020 – Five months ago a young woman was shot while sleeping at her home during a no-knock police raid that should never have happened. They shot her – and left her with not even an attempt at medical intervention for twenty minutes while they went outside to deal with an injured member of the raiding party.  Many feel arrests should have taken place immediately on this one point alone.

We are mean to wait patiently for Attorney  General to investigate.

No one in power is explaining why they have not arrested her killers for shooting her.

As things stand, any Kentucky policeman knows they are free to go into a home, shoot someone dead, and that nothing will happen.

As expected, Senator Mitch McConnell, darling of the NRA, has done nothing to call for charges.  His making feeble comments such as ‘my guess is this investigation is more complicated than it appears‘ throws an unacceptable, biased shade on  the ongoing, lumbering investigation.  Where do we get five month-long investigations over a shooting death without arrest when it is a member of the public who has pulled the trigger?  Never.  Police were quick enough to arrest Mr Walker, who had no idea the non-uniformed people breaking into his home in the middle of the night were police  – he had a  license and under state law was protecting his life (charges were rightly dropped).  There were at least 25 shots fired and at least 8 of those hit Ms Taylor.  And no one has been arrested for this crime,

Oprah Winfrey has arranged for some powerful billboards to be placed, people are calling for action, and we will join them.

Attorney General Daniel Cameron offered condolences to the family during their recent meeting, the first time he’s spoken with the family. He told them he didn’t reach out previously because he feared it could interfere with his investigation. His office is waiting on ballistics reports from the FBI and additional interviews before any decisions are made, Baker added.

There were only five people in the home.  One of them cannot speak.  There should be no need to widen out this investigation before arresting the clearly trigger-happy, unprofessional officers with charges relating to the incident.


Please take one or both of these actions:

  1.  Take or re-take this action alert we did earlier – just follow this link, take the action, and please fill in the boxes at the end to show you have done it
  2. Share this image on your own social media and/or please share it on the social media of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell and or AG Tom Wine.  Click on the picture and you can save it to your computer, and be able to share it,

Commonwealth’s Attorney Tom Wine
Jefferson County, KY
Phone: (502) 595-2300

Mitch McConnell
Phone:  (270) 781-1673
Email:  (form)



Aurora Police traumatize black family – demand action

5 August, 2020 – Aurora, Colorado – after a visit to a nail bar, children and women were surrounded by guns, police barking orders to get on the ground and be handcuffed face down.  Their crime?  Having the licence plate number they had.

Police want us to think that they mistook a SUV filled with innocent people for a stolen motorcycle – from a different state – that allegedly had the same plate number.  Few people are actually buying this flimsy excuse; it is appalling police would even admit to a blunder a schoolchild would not have  made.

This as we know is not the first time Aurora Police have targeted black people;  with their guns drawn, someone could have lost their life.

There is an apology offered.  Police Chief Vanessa Wilson made it; but do the police actually mean it?

The victims of this police brutality and the community have had enough apologies: they deserve justice.

Negating the value of any apology, the Aurora Police Association have a Facebook page which has not a word of remorse except from outside people making protests about the event on the page’s other posts.  One post marks the anniversary of the infamous cinema shooting.  Another post is a complaint that some of the police force were actually disciplined – over what appears to have been a racism incident.

This is also the police force that were responsible for the death of Elijah McLean.


Please contact Governor Jared Polis of Colorado through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


Governor, as I see it the amount of incompetence and racism shown by Aurora police shows no signs of remotely abating, and you have to act.  I am sure Police Chief Wilson meant her apology – but the rank and file need to be disciplined.

There is a culture on display of arrogance and self-preservation displayed in the force’s facebook page, which lacks any kind of regret over traumatizing little children – by police would could not tell a motorcycle from an SUV or the plate of one state over another. On the Police Association’s facebook page they seem far more concerned with how one of their number was disciplined over what looks like a racist incident concerning the Elijah McClain memorial.  The police demand their rights, and want Vanessa Wilson fired – but when it comes to the rights of others – especially black members of the community – they are silent.

If you can’t get this force in order, I feel it might be time for the FBI to investigate it for racism, which to me looks like a huge part of the problem, and racism on such a scale as seems to exist here would fall under its remit.  in any event, there has to be more than an  ‘I’m sorry’ over racism and terrifying obviously innocent little girls and honest women.  Take action – and tell me what you are doing.

Phone:  (303) 866-2471





Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

Thank NY AG James for Challenging NRA!

6 August, 2020, New York – The State Attorney General filed a lawsuit to dissolve the National Rifle Association.

Ms James tweeted concerning the NRA’s self-dealing and illegal conduct.

While this may not get the desired outcome, this is a crucial, brave challenge to the NRA.



Please contact _Attorney General James through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


As a member of One Pulse for America, and as someone who cares about the lives of those who die because of out-of-control gun violence, I welcome your lawsuit against the NRA.

I am well aware a Senate subcommittee determined that the NRA is a Russian Asset – and I think this has not yet been acted on with the severity required.  I sincerely thank you for taking them to task.

-or- send this tweet:

As one of the 81,000 members of gun law reform group One Pulse For America, thank you for this move. The NRA is a Russian asset as a Senate subcommittee concluded – and we are glad you are addressing its illegal conduct.





Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!




Call out AG Barr for misleading Congress over shootings

One of the hardest things to fight these days is misinformation.  How much harder it becomes when  The US Attorney General William Barr misleads Congress over crucial facts about America’s gun statistics.

In a New York Times article fact checking Barr’s recent testimony to Congress, some glaring pieces of misinformation stand out which need to be countered.

1 “He is correct that about 88.9 percent of Black murder victims were killed by Black perpetrators in 2018.

But left unsaid was the fact that murder victims and their perpetrators are overwhelmingly of the same race or ethnicity: 80.7 percent of white murder victims were killed by white perpetrators”

2. Barr said: “According to statistics compiled by The Washington Post, the number of unarmed Black men killed by police so far this year is eight. The number of unarmed white men killed by police over the same time period is 11.” – Barr used the WaPo database of shootings, Looking at the Database, the NYT wrote: “When factoring in population size, Black Americans are killed by the police at more than twice the rate as white Americans, according to the database. Research has also shown that in the United States, on average, the probability of being shot by a police officer for someone who is Black and unarmed is higher than for someone who is white and armed.”


Please contact the Department of Justice through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


In a Congressional hearing this Tuesday Attorney General  William Barr made some seriously misleading statements on gun-related facts.  We want the Department of Justice to acknowledge that Congress was mislead, as proven in this New York Times article:

As a member of One Pulse for America, it is a constant struggle to combat misinformation – it is a scandal that the AG’s testimony should not pass a basic fact check.

To talk about gun death statistics concerning black people without mentioning their percentage of the country’s population is unacceptable.  As one example from the Times piece, Barr quoted from a Washington Post database at one point – but neglected to mention the clear conclusion:  that black unarmed people are more likely to be shot by police than armed white people.

With such statements made to Congress it is little wonder people are being misled – it is unacceptable.   I demand higher standards from those in the office of Attorney General, and I expect to see a clarification made to Congress.

 or this tweet:

I’m absolutely dismayed at Barr’s misleading testimony before the House – his mangling police shooting statistics needs to be addressed. The Department of Justice needs to act 

Phone:  202-353-1555

Email: (form) 


Twitter:  (here is the DoJ bragging about Barr’s testimony – good place to comment)


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