Take the NRA Survey and tell them how you feel

August 2019 – The National Rifle Association has a new survey, which seems more like a PR exercise and fundraiser – you are asked to donate after taking it.

The questions are of course loaded and not balanced as you would expect from the pro-gun lobbyists.

For instance the survey asks “Do you agree that law-abiding citizens should be forced to submit to mandatory gun registration or else forfeit their guns and their freedom?” – the NRA equates its false interpretation of the Second Amendment (they always ignore the ‘well-regulated militia’ portion of the amendment).

Why wouldn’t a law-biding citizen want their gun registered?  Is it against freedom then that people need to register their cars?


Let us tell the NRA what we think of them and their survey.

Follow this link and answer their questions:  https://membersurvey.nra.org/2ASurvey/Survey3 .

One Pulse for America will not tell you how to answer them, but as a member of the group, we know you will tell the NRA you want guns registered and semi-automatic weapons off our streets.

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

Support March for our Lives’ game-changing Peace Plan

August 2019 – March for our Lives, the gun law reform campaign group, has launched a new manifesto.

As Ladd Everett shared with One Pulse for America’s Facebook group yesterday, this is the deal:

March For Our Lives released a revolutionary new gun control policy document today titled “A Peace Plan for a Safer America.” It recommends:
1) National gun licensing and registration
2) Computerization of gun sale records
3) National gun buyback program to reduce American stockpile of firearms by at least 30%.
4) Repeal of legal immunity for gun industry
5) Blanket prohibition on online gun sales
6) Assault Weapons Ban
7) National requirement to safely store firearms and report theft/loss within 72 hours
8) Declaration of national emergency by president
9) Launch of public safety campaign to educate Americans about dangers of owning a firearm (homicide + suicide risk)
10) $900 million over eight years for community intervention programs in urban areas
11) Automatic voter registration at 18
12) Attorney General study questioning validity of the DC v. HELLER decision (2008) by Justice Scalia.
As Ladd wrote, “…Incredibly inspiring. This will change GVP advocacy for the better!”
One Pulse for America is only too happy to support this initiative.
Later on we will be taking an action to write to all  congresspeople seeking re-election.  For now, all you need to do is sign up for March for Life’s Peace Plan here:  https://marchforourlives.com/peace-plan/ – and ideally share it too.

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Thank Albuquerque Mayor Keller for life-saving initiative

Albuquerque, NM – The City of Albuquerque is pushing a new initiative to keep young people safe from guns.

KRQE reports Mayor Tim Keller signed an administrative instruction banning firearms from all of the city’s community centers, multi-gen centers, and senior centers.

He cited 27 gun offenses reported at these centers in a four-year period and a tragic  May 2013 shooting that killed an 8-year-old girl at the Alamosa Community Center.

In a press release the city announced it will have more information at a press conference on how it plans to address domestic terrorism in the mayor’s so-called “Project Guardian” initiative.

Doubtless pressure from pro gun groups will be on him and his administration:  that is why One Pulse for America will show him support.


Please contact Mayor Keller through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


I want to thank you for signing the administrative instruction banning firearms from all of the city’s community centers, which serve over 200,000 children.  I know that this is going to save lives.

I understand that 27 gun offenses were reported at these centers in a four-year period and there was a May 2013 shooting that killed an 8-year-old girl at the Alamosa Community Center.

Your  “Project Guardian” initiative sounds very promising, and it’s good to see a city take positive action on the country’s gun injury and death epidemic.

 Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller:

Phone:  (505) 768-3000

Email: (form)  https://www.cabq.gov/mayor/contact-us/email-the-mayor

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/MayorKeller/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/MayorKeller


Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

Send Condolences to El Paso Shooting Widower

ACTION UPDATE:  17/8/19 hundreds attended the service, flowers and sympathy messages arrived from around the world. It’s things like this that remind me that most people are good at heart https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/16/us/el-paso-shooting-margie-reckard-funeral-trnd/index.html

El Paso, August 2019 – Mr Antonio Basco invited all of El Paso to attend the  funeral for his wife, murdered in the El Paso shooting.

A gunman with a white supremacist agenda killed several innocent people at an El Paso Walmart store .

While we should and do mourn for shooting victims all over the country, with the murder of his wife, Margie Reckard, Mr Basco now feels he has no one left.  The city of El Paso and the country have come out to pay their respects.

Please post a message here https://www.facebook.com/PerchesFuneralHome/posts/2867143899979615 or try email (but it is inundated) info@perchesfuneralhomes.com or follow the link to send condolences via the funeral parlour.

(Note:  This action was posted on Facebook yesterday; if you have taken the action, please fill in the fields to record that you have done so, thank you).

Illinois mayor: cut militarized police raids after 12 year old shot

A woman whose 12 year-old child was shot by police in a dawn raid is suing.

On 26 May 2019, according to the lawsuit filed by Crystal Worship, the mother, some two dozen Country Club Hills and Richton Park, Illinois SWAT officers entered her home in May with exploding flash-grenades and automatic rifles to execute a search warrant intended for her boyfriend. During the raid, her  son, Amir, was allegedly shot by a white officer as he sat on his bed with his hands in the air and suffered a shattered kneecap.

Blasting News reported “As Amir started screaming, Ms Worship asked officers in the next room if they were “shooting” the children, the lawsuit says. Officers allegedly refused to tell her what happened and “lied to her and told her they shot someone walking past outside.” (-as if that were somehow acceptable or reassuring).

One child was cuffed and left in a police car according to the mother, and flash  grenades were used at 5am, terrorizing the household.

Were the police looking for dangerous terrorists, a cache of guns?  They were looking for Ms Worship’s boyfriend who had been accused of drug possession.  Those charges were since dropped.  And in the meantime, “According to an orthopedic doctor, Amir will not be able to play any sports again, will have difficulty in physical education, will walk with a limp, and will have difficulty walking and running for the rest of his life,” the lawsuit states.

The increasingly militarization of civil police forces is an issue – and people are being shot, killed, harmed.  Should someone sought for drug possession lead to 24 gun-toting police to break into a house?  It seems rights are a thing of the past.


Please contact Illinois Governor  J B Pritzker through one of the channels below and give him the following message, personalized to your liking:


I am pleased to know you are looking after citizens’ rights and will not allow ICE to operate private facilities in the state.  I agree ICE is out of control and denying people their basic rights:  but so are your increasingly-militarized police force.

I read about the lawsuit filed by Crystal Worship after bungling, dangerously inept police raided her home, terrorised her family with flash grenades at 5am, had some 2 dozen masked, camouflaged, gun-brandishing men round her and her children up. The reason?  Her boyfriend was wanted on some sort of drug charge that was later dropped.  And in case you didn’t know:  they shot her 12-year-old child in the knee, and he will never play sports again.

Who is paying for all this military hardware, police time and planning over a drugs possession charge?  How many such raids are taking place?  How are they getting authorized?  With financial pressures on the state, is it really appropriate to continue like this?  What about rights?  Who will pay for this family’s suffering and their medical bills?

The situation is a disgrace and it needs sorting out at the gubernatorial level – clearly the police have lost all sense of perspective.  I expect to see you take action to help this specific family and to ensure that this kind of senseless, rights-destroying, terrifying raid is a rarity used only in the most extreme cases.  I expect to hear from you by reply.

Phone:  217-782-6830 or 217-782-6831

Email: (form) https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/gov/contactus/Pages/AssistanceRequest.aspx

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/GovPritzker/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/JBPritzker


Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!



Police who shot naked teen dead ‘justified’ claim lawyers

7 August, 2019; Oklahoma City – Attorneys representing  the two police officers who shot and killed a naked black teenager in May claimed the killing was justified in court papers today.

Two officers claim they tased Isaiah Lewis, 17,  multiple times with no effect (NB – tasers can be lethal, and no one should be tased multiple times).   They already knew he had had some form of breakdown, whether permanent or temporary was irrelevant (he had THC and an antihistamine in his system, nothing else).  He had run through the streets naked, and allegedly broken and entered.  He.  Was. Unarmed.

It is not clear whether the officers could have, as one might have immediately and reasonably done, just cornered/contained the 17 year old and called for an ambulance and medical crew to deal with the obviously mentally-unstable man.  They killed him instead.  As One News reported at the time of the killing, the same force had managed to arrest without killing an armed white teen who had murdered his parents.

According to Buzzfeed’s report back in May , there are discrepancies between police and witness claims, and that neither of the police involved in the killing were wearing bodycams, apparently not fully distributed to the force.  It is claimed Isaiah Lewis had previously assaulted other police officers, one had a head injury of some kind.

Officers Box, 56, and Scherman, 24, were placed on administrative assignment.


Please contact Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater through one of the channels below and give him the following message, personalized to your liking:

I am sickened to learn that defense attorneys claim that  17 year-old Isaiah Lewis’ killing is considered ‘justified’,  and I expect your office to be robustly investigating the many questions around the killing.

It seems pretty clear that police statements do not add up ( for instance how does an unarmed naked teen pose a lethal threat to two trained, armed police officers  who should have been trying to get medics and an ambulance to deal with the situation?). 

The following questions need to be addressed at any trial, and the stunt pulled by the attorneys representing the killers can only serve to have further distressed the deceased’s family and friends:

Questions arising:
*  Why wasn’t an ambulance immediately called when it was clear the teenager was suffering some kind of mental health episode?  Whatever the cause of it, it was a medical situation as well as any potentially criminal one.


*  What injuries precisely were suffered by which officers that required them to go to hospital?  Were they serious enough to require medical treatment, or as is often the case, did they report to hospital in order to be able to say hospital treatment was needed should any legal action later arise – such as for an unlawful killing?  The exact injuries need to be disclosed.
*  Did other officers have body cams?  Why didn’t the two responding officers wear body cams?  Was absolutely nothing caught on cameras by anyone?  Did any other cameras record any of the episode?
*  Why is there a discrepancy between the deceased’s girlfriend – who says she never claimed she was assaulted and the police who claim they were told she was?
*  How precisely were tasers used:  how many times fired, to what part of the body, by which officer(s), and were the tasers deployed correctly by trained officers?  A taser, used correctly should be able to stop anyone – in fact they are occasionally fatal (beanbag guns, such as used in Europe, will unfailingly knock a weapon-holding person over, likely disarming them without the brain or cardiac damage tasers do).
*  How close were the police when they fired; how much time in between each round being fired and how did this not stop the deceased; was he still in a position to pose a threat to the two officers, unarmed as he was after multiple taser shots and being shot once – and they after being shot multiple times?
* And sadly, in today’s climate, any trial must also be told of any racial discrimination, race hate groups, and any racial incidents either officer may have been involved with.

I will be watching this situation carefully, and I expect to have all of these questions fully answered – and to see that justice is done.

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Phone:  (405) 713-1600

Email:  (if any One Pulsers can find this, please let me know, thank you)

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/okgov/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/OKdistattorneys

personalised to your own liking, to the



Texas: Stop your gun-happy police from killing more of us

1 August, Arlington, Texas – a homeless woman lying on the grass prompted people to call the police.  Sent to check on her welfare, police shot her while they were trying to shoot her dog.

Apparently the homeless woman was passed out; she may simply have been sleeping.  Her dog, said to be a small, young pitbull cross allegedly ‘charged’ at the police – so  they decided to take out a gun and shoot it multiple times.

Only they missed, and the woman, Margarita Victoria Brooks, was hit, later to be pronounced dead in hospital.


We have not seen the officers’ bodycam footage yet; it will be shown to a court.  This is neither protecting nor serving.


Please contact Arlington police through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


A woman lies dead after one of your officers decided to try to shoot her dog and missed:  I want such a person immediately relieved of any duty without pay, and I want your guarantee such a trigger-happy person will not kill again.  Get them out of policing now.

I cannot believe that your officers saw fit to try to shoot a dog as a first resort, even if it was ‘charging’.  Is this really what your training says?  If so, you need to reassess before more animals and people are senselessly killed.  I would like to hear why your officers, upon seeing this allegedly dangerous dog, continued to approach and call out without first getting any protective clothing, tasers, an animal handler unit.  If the woman was unconscious and had a dangerous unrestrained dog – they should have got an animal specialist.  If she was awake and moving, then you had no further business with her.  Which was it?  Your officer fired multiple shots, clearly in the woman’s direction:  this is unacceptable.  How many times has this officer used his gun?  What were the outcomes?  We need to find this out as soon as disclosure is legally possible.

If the footage 100% confirms your officer’s version of events, you still need to do some serious re-thinking of how you deal with unresponsive people especially if they have dogs, even if dogs are running at you.  There are alternatives to guns.

If the footage does not 100% confirm that a clearly dangerous dog made your trained officers fear for their lives so much so that they had to shoot, then you and your organisation are deeply flawed and deeply responsible for this avoidable death.  Many of us are working hard to teach that guns are only ever a last resort:  if as it seems guns are Arlington Police’s first resort, perhaps you should resign en masse.  The message you send out about immediately escalating to lethal force is one with dangerous repercussions all around us, and this has to stop.   I will be watching this situation, and demand justice for this woman (and what have you done with the dog?).

Arlington Police:
Phone:  817-459-5700

Email:  (their website is conveniently down at present)

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ArlingtonPolice/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ArlingtonPD


Please copy Governor Abbott on your correspondence to the police:

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/TexasGovernor/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/GovAbbott

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!




Recall Congress to vote on Gun Control Bills ASAP

The number of gun murders and massacres so far this year is staggering, devastating and wholly unacceptable.

Mitch McConnell must – immediately – recall Congress to address this and to hold votes on gun control bills he has been sitting on.

USA Today explains the two bills in an article on 5 August:

H.R. 8: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019

In February this year, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019.

NBC News image of Mitch McConnell

This bill passed 240-190, with eight Republicans joining almost all Democrats to vote for the bill.  This bill would prohibit most person-to-person firearm transfers unless a background check can be conducted, aiming to close a potential loophole allowing the transfer of firearms without a background check at gun shows or between individuals.

The Senate has not taken any action on the bill since the House passed it.


H.R. 1112 Bipartisan Background Checks Act

This bill would extend to at least 10 days the amount of time firearms dealers must wait for a response from the background check system before the sale can proceed. Currently, they can make the sale if they haven’t received a response in three days.

H.R. 1112 passed in February 2019 by a vote of 240-190. Like H.R. 8, the Senate has taken no action on the bill since it passed.

Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer is among those calling for Congress’ recess to be cut short, as is Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.  She tweeted to Senator Mitch McConnell, who is responsible for the bills’ lack of progress, writing:  “The House passed HR8, a Bipartisan Background Checks Act, *5 months ago* and the Senate has yet to vote on it. It was one of our 1st major priorities after ending the gov shutdown. You’ve been sitting on it since February giving bogus excuses. Care to explain the people why?”


Please contact your elected representatives through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:

 In light of the country’s recent spate of gun murders including Gilroy, Dayton and Chicago, and especially in light of the El Paso massacre in which an AK-47 style assault rifle was used, I want to see Congress recalled immediately to address the nation’s gun death epidemic.

Two bills are with Senator Mitch McConnell – HR 8 and HR 1112:  these need to be put to a vote immediately, and Senator McConnell should be made to explain why he has sat on them since February. 

I will be watching to see what happens and how my representatives vote:  anyone who is still taking money from the NRA and who is not actively working to improve America’s gun laws will not be getting my vote.     It is a shame that Senator McConnell has suffered a broken bone:  but this must not stand in the way of calling Congress back from recess.

I am not remotely interested in your thoughts and prayers for those who have been killed:  I am only interested in your concrete actions to stop more avoidable gun murders. 

Find your congressperson here:  https://www.conginst.org/contact-congress/

And/or copy Mitch McConnell on your message:

Mitch McConnell
Phone:  (270) 781-1673
Email:  (form) https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/mitchmcconnell/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/McConnellPress

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

For El Paso Victims: Reinstate Domestic Terrorism Unit

2 August 2019 – 20 dead and 29 injured in El Paso, when a man – a young, disturbed white supremacist – opened fire with an AK-47 assault rifle in a crowded store.  His stated, published goal was to kill Hispanic people, and he said how he would do it.

But let’s go back a bit further:

August 2019 – the El Paso murder posts hate speech, a white supremacist manifesto AND A THREAT TO KILL on numerous social media sites, just before the killings start.  He had posted hate speech previously on 8chan.

April 2019 – Homeland Security ‘reassigns’ – ie disbands –  the Domestic Terrorism Unit. Its job was to monitor social media for signs of potential crime.  With the El Paso killer’s hate speech spread on social media sites like 8chan, then spreading to more mainstream social media sites – his clear death threats would likely have been picked up.


2013 – Web message board site 8chan opens; it is used to spread white supremacy messages, hate speech, and was cited in the Christchurch, NZ mosque and the San Diego synagogue shootings.  8chan’s users have ‘gamified’ mass shootings, and even have memes about high body counts.   In the case of the San Diego killer, according to new sources “Before the California shooting, Earnest posted to 8chan a link to his anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and white supremacist manifesto. After his post, 8chan users cheered him on, hoping he would get a “high score.” More than 100,000 people visit the 8chan site every week. Its most active forum has more than 12 million posts.”

At the time of writing, President Trump has still refused to condemn white terrorism; the Domestic Terrorism Unit is still mothballed; and there is no sign that the Federal Communications Commission  has taken any action against 8chan – yet the emails and telephone calls of millions of Americans are routinely recorded.  Thankfully, people like Senator Richard Durbin are trying to change that; he has proposed a bill on Domestic Terrorism.

Summary:  1.  We had a branch of Homeland Security, the Domestic Terrorism Unit, actively looking for would-be serial killers:  they were shut down.  2.  We have a President who is not only refusing to condemn white supremacists and hate speech, but who is actually stoking the fires of hate speech, with hate crimes up 106% since he took office and rising over 200% in cities where he holds his ‘rallies’.  3.  We have a dark website, 8chan, used by white supremacists (and a host of other criminal elements) where users goad others into getting a ‘high score’ on actual shooting sprees; a site blocked in New Zealand and elsewhere – but not blocked in America.  4.  We have antiquated gun laws written over 200 years ago which must be changed.  Now.

#          #          #          #


Please contact your elected representatives, copying in any or all (please do all of: President Trump, the FCC, Homeland Security, Mitch McConnell and  Senator Richard J Durbin through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


I am reeling at the recent, senseless gun violence in America – Gilroy, Chicago, Dayton – sadly this is only a fraction of such crimes this year.  Today I write to you about El Paso – where a radicalised white supremacist has killed 20 and injured 29. 

He used a dark web site, 8chan, where he posted a hate-filled, white supremacist manifesto just before the killing.  This was not the first time the murder used social media to spread hate – and his manifesto and other thoughts were encouraged by 8chan users and spread through the internet.  The site promotes the ‘gamification’ of mass murder and its users share memes about getting a ‘high score’ ie a high body count.  The site is banned in New Zealand after one of 8chan’s users massacred mosque users.  I also note New Zealand is working hard to get automatic weapons off its streets after the killing.  8chan exists to promote white supremacy, violence and other crimes:  it should be banned in the USA as well – before another shooter is encouraged into action by 8chan users.

I am convinced that if we still had a Domestic Terrorism  Unit in Homeland Security, they might have readily picked up on the growing intensity of the El Paso shooter’s social media posts, and perhaps even stopped the El Paso shooting.  The killer posted shortly before the event what guns he was going to use and how he was going to operate:  if a team of professionals were monitoring this dark site, i believe lives might have been saved.  I demand the immediate reinstatement of the Domestic Terrorism Unit:  hate crimes are up 106%, and I note they rose after President Trump – who refuses to condemn white supremacist hate speech – holds his rallies.

On the matter of hate speech, I do not see the FCC and other relevant government agencies doing all they can to enforce laws.  The billboard depicting 4 congresswomen as ‘idiots’ put up by a gun shop is felt by many, including at least one of those elected reps, to be incitement to violence.  It is time hate speech is taken seriously.

Finally, I am tired of Mitch McConnell blocking bills – even blocking debates – from the House that could have stopped at least some of this carnage.  I fully support HR 1296 and S.894 – Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2019, proposed by Senator Durbin.  Further, in all future elections, I pledge to only vote for candidates who are supporting these bills and who are not NRA-funded pro-gun lobbyists.  I will be watching all my elected representatives carefully.  From today, if they are not working for gun law reform and against domestic terrorism, I hold them personally responsible for future gun massacres:  which at this point in time are not avoidable.

 SHORT MESSAGE FOR TWITTER – just copy and paste: Time to end NRA hold on Congress, reform Domestic Terrorism Unit, pass @SenatorDurbin ‘s Domestic Terrorism Act. Trump: address domestic terrorism NOW. McConnell stop blocking gun reform. Vote out NRA stooges @realDonaldTrump @FCC @DHSgov @McConnellPress #ElPasoTerroristAttack



Time to end NRA hold on Congress, reform Domestic Terrorism Unit, pass @SenatorDurbin ‘s Domestic Terrorism Act. Time for FCC to act on dark website 8chan where ElPaso shooter posted hate, was encouraged. Vote out NRA stooges @realDonaldTrump @FCC @DHSgov #ElPasoTerroristAttack

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Find your congressperson here:  https://www.conginst.org/contact-congress/

President Donald Trump
Phone:  202-456-1111
Email: (form) https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/POTUS/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump

Federal Communications Commission
Phone:  888-225-5322
Email:  send an e-mail to ecfs@fcc.gov and should include the following words in the body of the message: “get form” and your e-mail address
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/FCC/?__tn__=%2Cd%2CP-R&eid=ARDc1atFViP33ZAg-SxrpFby3G1hzrAboea2u-bzO71LcWqVbuarzeYfUaqnnzzBJ_KjZ5FUb1qcbjQS
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/FCC 

Homeland Security
Phone:  202-282-8000
Email:  CRCLOutreach@dhs.gov
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/homelandsecurity/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/DHSgov 

Mitch McConnell
Phone:  (270) 781-1673
Email:  (form) https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/mitchmcconnell/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/McConnellPress 

Senator Richard Durbin
Phone: (202) 224-2152
Email:  (form) https://www.durbin.senate.gov/contact/email
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/SenatorDurbin/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/SenatorDurbin



Stand up to bigoted gunshop owner’s incitements to violence

Murphy, North Carolina July 2019 – Steve ‘Doc’ Wacholz owner of ‘Cherokee Guns’ in Murphy, North Carolina paid for an inflammatory billboard and stickers advertising his gun shop.  Using (presumably without their permission) photos of Congresswomen, comparing them to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and calling them ‘idiots’ – the billboard advises that the gun shop is one mile away.

The congresswomen are Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.  Some of them such as Rep Tlaib had previously received death threats which were highly publicised at the time.  Still this gun shop is ridiculing them, showing their pictures – and advertising that you can get a gun and rounds from the shop a mere mile away.  As Rep Tlaib succinctly put it, “How the hell is this not inciting violence?”





Above:  one of many bigoted posts made on Facebook by the shop

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech:  it also has limitations on that speech which exclude inciting violence from the Amendment’s protection.  Furthermore, with the NRA attempting to pretend those who sell guns are responsible, mature people – can we trust someone with these views to thoroughly vet those who want deadly weapons?

Further confirmation of Wacholz’s bigotry can be found in a quote appearing in SF Gate (a San Francisco news site),  “They’re socialists, from my point of view,” he told the local paper, before adding a bigoted trope. “I also feel a couple of them, being Muslim, have ties to actual terrorists groups.”

In summary, a man selling guns is literally targeting our elected reps, and has said he believes they have ties to actual terrorist groups:  this is surely incitement to violence:  by someone who can make money by stoking this hatred.  Why no legal action has been taken is incomprehensible and unacceptable.

The gunshop’s telephone was not in service when One Pulse tried to speak to them yesterday.  The discussion on the shop’s Facebook page is filled with bigoted comments.

Wacholz also inexplicably had a billboard depicting Donald Trump, known for his avoiding the draft due to (curable bonespurs (he played basketball with them), as a muscle-bound action man.

Despite targeting these elected reps who are from a variety of backgrounds and accusing them of having ties to terrorist groups, Wacholz is at pains to paint himself as non-racist, saying “I’m not inciting any violence or being racist,” he added. “It’s a statement. It’s an opinion.” 

Many would disagree, witness the comments on Cherokee’s Facebook page, which say that a sticker of the Congresswomen portrayed as ‘idiots’ will go to fans who visit: and eat a piece of bacon – an unveiled hateful jibe at Islamic and Jewish faiths.

The police and DA have failed to take any action despite this overt racism and the billboard.  One Pulse for America has contacted the police for an article on the situation, but they have not returned to us yet.  One Pulse for America and other gun control groups, civil rights organisations, and observers feel there is a credible possibility the billboard, stickers and actions of Wacholz may result in violence against the four.

As an aside, it is unknown how Steve Wacholz obtained the necessary clearance/permission to use the images of the congresswomen for his commercial purposes. It is true that images of public figures can be used for news purposes without necessarily having to get permissions, but this is a commercial venture, and not one of these women were likely to have agreed to have their images used to promote guns.


Please contact North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


I am absolutely disgusted that Steve Wacholz of Cherokee guns in Murphy, NC is engaging in incitement to violence against four sitting Congresswomen – some of whom have already had death threats.

You will surely be aware of the offensive billboard and now stickers picturing Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.  As Rep Tlaib succinctly put it, “How the hell is this not inciting violence?”

I demand the police and District Attorney’s Office take immediate action.  The First Amendment has known limits, and not only is this clear incitement to violence, but social media posts by Wacholz are actually offering the stickers of the offensive image to people who go to the shop ‘and eat a piece of bacon’ – is this kind of religious intolerance what you want in North Carolina. 

Furthermore, with the NRA attempting to pretend those who sell guns are responsible, mature people – can we trust someone with these views to thoroughly vet those who want deadly weapons?  Is it time to review Mr Wacholz’s licence to operate a gun shop? In summary, a man selling guns is literally targeting our elected reps, and has said he believes they have ties to actual terrorist groups:  this is surely incitement to violence:  by someone who can make money by stoking this hatred.  You must act!

I will hold Wacholz, the police, the DA and you morally responsible should any violence erupt over this unfortunate, illegal* situation if you do not act swiftly.  I am copying in the congresswomen on this message to let them know that I, as a member of gun control group One Pulse for America, stand with them 100% and condemn the bigotry that is allowed in North Carolina.  *When I say the poster is illegal, I am not only referring to the incitement to violence, but I am confident the congresswomen did not give their consent for their images to be used in this commercial venture to advertise guns.  I certainly hope they will be taking legal action for damages.

I will be watching this situation closely, and suggest that you take action to prevent any further inflammatory bigoted advertising in your state.

Governor Roy Cooper
Phone:  919-814-2000
Email (form):  https://governor.nc.gov/contact/contact-governor-cooper 
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/NCgovernor/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/NC_Governor

Copy in the congresswoman/women of your choice by following this link:  https://www.conginst.org/contact-congress/