Pledge to vote against NRA candidates

May 2022:  A white supremacist brought domestic terrorism to a Buffalo supermarket, killing 10.  An 18-year-old who had recently, legally bought two AR15 assault rifles and hundreds of rounds killed 21 at a primary school in Uvalde.  These and other killers are unambiguously enabled by the NRA and its virtual ownership of the elected officials it contributes millions of dollars to.  These governors and Congresspeople deliberately block gun law reform and some, like Texas Governor Abbott, pass laws weakening gun restrictions. Abbott has a 100% approval rating from the NRA.  Mitch McConnell flaunted democratic principles and proudly stopped two bipartisan gun law reform bills.   He’s had over $1 million in donations from the NRA.  We pledge to VOTE THEM OUT.

In 2020, 45,000 people died in gun violence in the US, over half were suicides, and 19,000 died in violent incidents.

No other country in peacetime in the west has anything like these figures.

The NRA puts in place politicians who support its rhetoric and who thwart all attempts at gun law reforms.

We just learned in a new article from Fortune that the gun lobby outspent the gun law reform groups by five times in the last elections.  We cannot allow the country to be run by those who have more money than respect for the lives of those taken or otherwise impacted by gun violence: Voting is essential.


Please contact your Governor and/or Congresspeople through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking – and/or post this message to your personal social media:


For the victims of gun violence in Buffalo, Uvalde, Sandy Hook, Parkland, and every victim of gun violence, I pledge to vote against any candidate for office who accepts donations from the NRA.  

Find your congressperson here:

Find your state governor here:

You can take this action more than once.  Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


When sharing to Facebook, Twitter, etc, here is a suggested message:

For the victims of gun violence in Buffalo, Uvalde, Sandy Hook, Parkland, and every victim of gun violence, I pledge to vote against any candidate for office who accepts donations from the NRA.  Share if you agree.

Sandy Hook 7th anniversary: sign the card

14 December 2019 – Today marks the anniversary of the brutal, cold-blooded slaying of innocent children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  The gunman was able to take 26 lives – in under 4 minutes.

The families are taking to social media to express their feelings.  ABC News reported that Marie-Claude Duytschaever, who lost her 6-year-old grandson Noah Pozner in the shooting, posted: “I can tell you that had Noah died in his bed, the last seconds of his life wouldn’t have been filled with deafening noises, blood and terror. … That is the reality of gun violence. Not an abstraction. Not a statistic,”

To lose anyone to such a violent, preventable (with sane gun laws) death must be an agony beyond measure.  What made things worse for the bereaved relatives of Sandy Hook were the actions of Alex Jones, who used his influence to get his vile followers to insist that the massacre was a complete hoax.

Parents of dead children received hate mail  and abuse.   Jeremy Richman whose daughter Avielle was fatally shot at Sandy Hook took his own life this year – and it is not hard to see how this abuse may have contributed to this tragedy.  

Jones faces multiple lawsuits for the damage he inflicted with his fake news attacks.  James Fetzer wrote a book calling the shooting a hoax; in October the courts found against him and awarded a settlement to one of the parents defamed by Fetzer’s unspeakable book.  This may bode well for those suing Jones.

This past week it emerged Jones wants the courts to throw out a suit against him:  saying he has experienced emotional distress.  The hypocrisy is staggering.  Parents, relatives, many begged him to stop his bizarre conspiracy theory that the deaths were faked:  he would not stop.  Jones now says he was psychotic at the time – that’s his excuse.  Why he didn’t seek treatment instead of lashing out should be explained in court.

It is hoped his move to dismiss the suit against him will fail – it would set a remarkable precedent for one thing:  of course any law suit will cause emotional distress.   Such stress cannot begin to approach the stress of having a loved one murdered – and then to be hounded by Jones and his ‘Info Wars’ and his supporters with relentless abuse.


We will be keeping an eye on the odious Alex Jones – but for now Sandy Hook Promise, the support group for Sandy Hook survivors wants people to sign their card:

Please sign the card, and write your own message.  There is a survey that follows; please take that too if you will.

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!