Open letter to Governor Polis: Red Flag Laws & Club Q Shooting

24 November 2022

To:  Governor Polis
Copy: Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers
Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez
Colorado Attorney General  Philip J. Weiser

Dear Governor Polis

We the undersigned members of gun law reform group One Pulse for America are shocked and outraged by the mass shooting in Colorado Springs at Club Q:  the suspect should have been banned under red flag laws from owning a weapon.   The victims should be alive and well today:  Colorado has red flag laws.

The suspect threatened to use a bomb one and a half years ago:  the public had to evacuate homes.  And yet here we are.

The woman who owed the home his mother lived in – the mother he threatened to blow up – said:  “If the justice system had followed through with something, anything … he wouldn’t likely have had access to be able to get a weapon and five people wouldn’t have died,”

The AP published their findings:  “An Associated Press analysis earlier this year found Colorado courts issued 151 gun surrender orders since the state’s red flag law took effect in 2020, three surrender orders for every 100,000 adults in the state. That’s a third of the average ratio of orders issued for the 19 states and District of Columbia with surrender laws on their books.”

We demand that law enforcement, the state’s judicial system hold an enquiry into how this man was allowed to have a gun, and to where feasible review and proactively seek out any other individuals who have so far evaded the state’s very loose net:  before another tragedy strikes.

We call on you Governor Polis to take ownership of this situation – because clearly law enforcement and the state’s prosecutors have not done so.

Please respond to our concerns with action, and with correspondence to Suzanne Kelly by return.

Buffalo Shooting is Domestic Terrorism: demand it is so treated

“And you expect us to do this over and over and over again, forgive and forget,” he said, “while the people we elect do their best not to protect us, consider us equal, not to love us back? What do we do with all of this pain?” – civil rights attorney Ben Crump

A white supremacist, who was known to authorities,  drove from Binghamton to Buffalo New York with the intent of killing black people and to spread his racist, violent manifesto:  this is domestic terrorism, racist terrorism and must be treated that way.

The US justice department is investigating the Buffalo massacre as a hate crime and an act of racially motivated violent extremism. That is not going far enough.

The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism says Domestic Terrorism “…has, over centuries, taken many American lives and spilled much American blood – especially in communities deliberately and viciously targeted on the basis of hatred and bigotry” – which fits this case.  The Strategy document includes “Strategic Goal 3.1: Enable appropriate enhanced investigation and prosecution of domestic terrorism crimes” – and we feel strongly the Buffalo mass shooting requires enhanced investigation.

We owe it to the victims to back up Ben Crump’s call and the calls of others for this case to be declared domestic terrorism.  In an article in The Guardian, he called on authorities to investigate how the Buffalo gunman developed hateful beliefs, including examining if “race replacement theory” played a role in the attack.  Mr Crump also called out “accomplices to this mass murder”, which he identified as websites, politicians and cable news pundits.  The forces which radicalised this killer, past and future killers must be identified and dealt with as terrorists – that is what they are.


We will send a letter of support to Mr Crump, to Congress and to media which carried Mr Crump’s call.  Read the letter here: 

To take this action, One Pulse for America members can visit our Facebook Page here , and on the Action Alert post, simply add their name, home town and state – including if they wish a specific message to include.  Visit our Facebook page to join us.


Buffalo Shooting: This is Domestic Terrorism – treat it as such

To: President Biden, United States Department of Justice, United States Congress

Cc: Benjamin Crump, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Re: Buffalo New York murders must be treated as Domestic Terrorism

Dear All

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump is calling for the premeditated, racially-motivated shooting murders in Buffalo New York to be treated as Domestic Terrorism.  We, the undersigned members of One Pulse for America wholeheartedly back this call:  for those murders are absolutely, unambiguously,  acts of Domestic Terrorism.

The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism exists for such cases as this.  A thorough investigation as domestic terrorism could expose those who espouse terrorist ideals, prevent further tragic murders, and lead to understanding of how such individuals are motivated and via what sources their poisonous rhetoric spreads with the goal of stopping them.  This is urgent.  This is critical.

If this tragic case of racist mass-murder is not domestic terrorism, then the bar of what constitutes that crime is far too high.  We write to demand this case be categorized as domestic terrorism so it will be properly, fully investigated – hopefully thwarting further acts.

One Pulse for America, founded by George Takei following the Pulse nightclub shooting, lobbies for gun law reform.  There are over 78,000 of us across the country.  Gun law reform is long overdue – and so is taking domestic terrorism seriously.

We request you act with no further delay and we await your reply.

Yours faithfully

Letter to GA Governor Kemp, et al

18 March 2021


To:  Governor Kemp
Atlanta Chief of Police
Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department
Georgia Attorney General

Dear All

We the undersigned members of gun law reform group One Pulse for America are shocked and outraged at recent events in Georgia following the killing of Asian-American women by a white male – a white male who obtained a gun and hours later took innocent lives.

It is clearly easy in Georgia to obtain a firearm and kill within a matter of hours.

It is clearly difficult in Georgia to call out blatant racism and misogyny.

Both of those truths need to be remedied now.

Here are some of our concerns:

  • In the climate of hatred faced by our Asian American fellow citizens, inflamed by Trump’s disgraceful hate speech (‘China ‘flu, Kung ‘flu) why would we as citizens – as decent people – not immediately conclude this is a hate crime?  Perhaps for legal reasons the state is unwilling to do so – but even if we side with those who are cowardly about calling out this blatant racism:  this was an attempt to attack women:  and as such it is 100% a hate crime.  Even the officers who shockingly put forward the accused’s feeble excuses at their press conference admitted he had a’ sex problem’.  Therefore, it is not too early to say 100% this is a misogynistic crime.  We are going to ask the state to swiftly confirm it is a racist crime as well.
  • Speaking of what was said by officers at the press conference, spokesperson Jay Baker is accused by the Daily Beast of… selling racist Covid-19 shirts online.  How did he get into the force and then onto the press conference panel?  He and those sharing his attitudes must be expelled from law enforcement.
  • Using the press conference to share the suspect’s unsubstantiated claims of mitigation and denial of racist intent was an inexcusable abuse of the event.   It gives the remarks authority as they were made by police spokespeople at an official event.  Sharing the remarks means future juries and press coverage could well be influenced in the accused’s favor.  In fact – press coverage is already being slanted, referring to the accused as ‘church-going’.  The next time there is a shooting by a white male, all they will need do is say they had a bad day and a sex issue –  if we stay quiet about this.  Of course the shooter would not admit to this being a racist crime:  Georgia passed laws increasing the sentencing for racially-charged crimes.  For the authorities to not have immediately labeled this as hate crime gives the defense maneuver room in court to say there was uncertainty about the intent.  If it was too early to say these killings were racist/misogynist:  then it’s too early to share the accused’s self-serving statements that could thwart the determination of his intent.

There must be gun law reform.  There must be no hesitancy in calling out hate crime when it is as blatant as this.  There is no room in law enforcement for someone who has and profits from having anti-Asian American views.

Please respond to our concerns with action, and with correspondence to Suzanne Kelly .

Sign letter to President-Elect Biden, send messages of support

On the 10th anniversary of the Tucson Arizona shooting, President-Elect Joe Biden issued a statement on the tragedy, discussing the wounding of his friend Gabby Giffords, one of those shot that day.

Mr Biden said: “As President, I pledge to continue to work together with Congresswoman Giffords, and with survivors, families, and advocates across the country, to defeat the NRA and end the epidemic of gun violence in America.”

The NRA is unsurprisingly livid at this promise.

To add your name to the letter, simply add your name, town and state to this Action Alert post on our Facebook page.  Our letter will be the text as shown below.

Please add your name to our collective letter and/or contact President-Elect Joe Biden through one of the channels below and give him the following message, personalized to your liking:


Dear President-Elect Biden

Your large victory over incumbent Trump gives you a clear mandate, and I am delighted you will be our 46th president.  I am writing to you as a member of One Pulse for America, the 81,000-strong gun law reform group formed by George Takei following the Pulse Nightclub shooting.  Please know you have my full support when it comes to stopping the gun death epidemic as you rightly put it in your statement on the anniversary of the Tucon Arizona shooting.

The interpretation the NRA puts on the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with a well-regulated militia.  The NRA is not an educational body; it is a Russian-funded lobbying group hit by scandal after scandal – while tens of thousands die needlessly each year, victims of woefully-inadequate gun laws.

We cannot tolerate armed insurgents in our nation’s capitol, in our state capitols and on our streets.  Thank you for prioritizing gun law reform.

We the undersigned stand with you, and congratulate you, Vice-President Elect Harris, and your team on your election.




Once you have made contact and/or added your name to our letter, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

Sign letter on Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Finding

Louisville – a grand jury that met in secret decided to hold  NO ONE accountable for the shooting death of Breonna Taylor.

We agree with her family and their lawyer who called this a sham.

We will publish the letter below, and send copies to relevant law enforcement agencies, to Ms Taylor’s family’s attorney, to local media, to relevant elected officials.

Please also share it on social media.

To have your name added as a signatory, please add your name, town and state in the comments on the One Pulse post.

We the undersigned members of One Pulse for America are appalled and angry that a Kentucky Grand Jury ruled no one is guilty for the death of Breonna Taylor, shot multiple times in her own home during a late-night raid which should never have been authorized in the first place.

One Pulse for America is an 81,000-strong gun law reform group formed by actor and activist George Takei following the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub.

We agree with Ms Taylor’s family that these were ‘sham proceedings’.

We agree with lawyer Ben Crump who said “nothing seems to say Breonna mattered,” adding that the Kentucky grand jury carried-out a “sham proceeding that did nothing to give Breonna Taylor a voice.”

We understand FBI findings as to her death were disregarded.  We welcome the FBI’s findings and will be watching closely.

We demand that the officers and those who planned this raid be charged appropriately; this has not happened.

We demand that recruitment and training be immediately upgraded.

We demand law enforcement agencies actively seek out and expel anyone who espouses racist, bigoted views:  they cannot ‘protect and serve’.

We demand an immediate end to ‘no knock’ and ‘dawn’ raids as they cannot be conducted without innocent people being hurt or killed as we have seen before now.

Finally, we express our sincere sympathy to all of Breonna’s family, friends, colleagues – and to all those who are suffering because of her death.

We reaffirm our call to reform America’s gun laws.

A letter of support to the press from One Pulse for America

Members of One Pulse for America are sending this open letter to the press in light of recent shocking events.


June 2020 – peaceful protests called in the wake of the murder of George Floyd have experienced attempts to hijack them by a number of extremists, racists, and police.  Over 100 members of the press have been attacked by police wholly against Constitutional rights:  journalists have been arrested, beaten, even shot with rubber/plastic bullets – designed not to kill but to inflict serious injury.  Several peaceful protesters have been assaulted by police; several have been shot.  These peoples’ constitutional rights have been unduly taken from them.  The reason we know about these grave assaults on people and on all of our liberties is because of journalists and the media.

It is not so long ago that crowds of anti-lockdown protestors, in many cases heavily-armed men in quasi-military garb held aggressive protests and  stormed a state capital.  They screamed at people trying to perform their jobs; they endangered public safety because they refuse to believe in the Covid-19 virus, and threatened violence if their rights were ‘removed’- which was only ever a temporary measure for the good of public health.  The vast majority of these people were never met with police brutality or arrests.

This is the most crucial turning point in our country’s and our society’s future many of us will ever see.  In order to stay informed, receive facts and avoid propaganda, we 100% need a free, unhampered press – as the Constitution guarantees.

There are those who have distorted the Second Amendment past all reason, morality and logic.  A ‘well-regulated militia’ for some means any disgruntled person can get a deadly, rapid-fire weapon – and kill innocent adults and children.  Yet the same people who will not brook any criticism of their interpretation of the 2nd Amendment do not remotely want to see other amendments upheld when these rights pertain to freedom of the press or indeed the basic human rights of equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

While a nation mourns George Floyd and the many victims who have gone before him, for instance two innocent black people who were shot to death, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor (it is her birthday; she should be blowing out 27 candles as I write), we have a White House hostile to black people, women, ethnic minorities, LGBT people, veterans and asylum seekers.  The horrors this administration has created include caging asylum-seekers and taking their children, hampering LGBT people who had careers in the military, removing womens’ rights, the creation of ICE, and more.  These injustices are brought to our attention by a free press – and that is why, using language of dictators past, Donald Trump calls the press ‘the enemy of the people.’

We need every citizen to vote, however hard those opposed to this try to disenfranchise voters; votes should be informed with access to accurate, full, timely news reporting.

We need everyone to uphold the rights of the press – and by the press we mean those news outlets large and little that are looking to report and record the truth of what is going on so we may make informed choices: not those who bombard us with lies to support tyranny and their owners’ self-interests.

Our Message to the Press:

I am a member of One Pulse for America, a gun-law reform group started by George Takei.  I wanted to let you know that I greatly appreciate the news you bring us and the sacrifices and dangers your news crews increasingly face to bring us accurate reporting.  Only a dictator would call the responsible press ‘enemies of the people’; only a coward with much to hide would try to vilify the press, and I am not buying it. 

I want to see any police officer who impedes the constitutionally-protected rights you have to report brought to justice.  No reporter should be arrested, threatened – let alone assaulted or shot. 

My respect to all who bring us the truth, and my contempt to those who want to stop you, or those who want to deliver propaganda as news.  Thank you.

Yours sincerely

The One Pulse for America Team, 36 members who signed online and the following 81 members

  1. Donna Edgar, Goffstown, NH
  2. Wendy Browne, Princeton, NJ
  3. Heather Day Polson, MT
  4. Robin Carpenter, Riverside CA
  5. Carole Johnston Whatcom County, WA
  6. Shirley Robertson St. Louis, MO
  7. Leslie Pope, Philadelphia, PA
  8. Deborah Byrd, Virginia Beach, Virginia
  9. Mary Robinson, Grand Prairie, TX
  10. Suzanne Kelly, US citizen in England, journalist and One Pulse admin
  11. Elizabeth Rider, Atlanta, GA
  12. Ann Moomau Lanham, Md
  13. Rhonda Garner, Herndon VA
  14. Leah Funk, Phoenix, AZ
  15. Georgia Elliott Roberts rineyville, KY
  16. Shannon Brown Chattanooga, Tennessee
  17. Dawn Berktold Lake City, MN
  18. Barbara Fabre La Mesa, CA
  19. Marge Currier
  20. Denise Fuchs Meeks
  21. Denise Fuchs Meeks Denise Meeks, Tucson, Arizona, journalism and law masters student, University of Arizona
  22. Kimberly Tomajan Los Angeles, CA
  23. Jackie Chacon Taitingfong Gilbert, AZ
  24. Heather Finch Cypress, Texas
  25. Terri Gwinner Hebron,Maine
  26. Tammy Sitar Anchorage, Alaska
  27. Anna Myers Sacramento, California
  28. Elaine Brown Ruidoso, NM
  29. Christine Scott San Antonio, TX
  30. Jyotsna Nair Columbia Missouri
  31. Vickey Peel, Chipley, Florida
  32. Tomi Hagin Gastonia NC
  33. Mac Bellner, North Adams MA
  34. Tim Morris Delray Beach, Florida
  35. DA Wagner – A free press is one of the greatest tools to protect democracy.
  36. Leonora Forslund Albuquerque, New Mexico
  37. Carol Thompson San Mateo, California
  38. Beth Suess, Berkeley, CA
  39. Mary Ellen Erdo McWhirter San Diego, California
  40. Steven W. Bentley Lawton, Oklahoma
  41. Randee Larimer Illinois
  42. Holly Sher Columbia Missouri
  43. Cindy Sikes Sherman Ohio
  44. Becky Askew Chamberlain Taylorsville, UT
  45. Kathy Smith Lewis Mesa Arizona
  46. Fain Self – Always have; always will!! Free press!!!!
  47. Monique Wegener Nemarich Standing with you….
  48. Judy Bloom Nelson Richmond, Virginia.
  49. Juanita Steiner Sample Indianapolis
  50. Lori Balaban Charlottesville, VA
  51. Andi Woodall Klein me too
  52. Amy Boggs Huntington, WV
  53. Jenetta Morrison Montclair Ca
  54. Katie Kelly-O’Donnell Weymouth, MA
  55. Diana Barbera DuPont, WA
  56. Cathy Caron Handy Graham North Carolina
  57. Tyler Barnick Torrance CA
  58. Linda Wall Thank you SO Much for protecting the constitutional rights of ALL Americans. Especially Americans who don’t agree with us or have a different narrative that they are fighting for.
  59. Teresa Massie, Bartlett, Tn
  60. Roisin O’Mara, Providence RI
  61. Becky Balser Tulsa, OK
  62. Elishia McGruder Thank you reporters for your sacrifices.
  63. Tacie Ranson Millville NJ
  64. Lua Martin Wells Lua Wells, Mt Pleasant, SC
  65. Heather Hoppen Campbell Benicia, CA
  66. Clayton Longley Springfield,Missouri
  67. Tina Brown Musselman Federal way, WA
  68. Yvonne Ford Wilder Denver, CO
  69. Amanda Kaahanui Kaneohe, Hawaii
  70. Lua Martin Wells
  71. Gail Turley, Mesa, AZ
  72. Michelle Rea, Pensacola, FL
  73. Sheryl Bower Glenwood Springs, CO
  74. Emma Friedman Glencoe, IL
  75. Cynthia Tuthill Cynthia Tuthill St Helena CA
  76. Eileen Peppard, Honolulu, HI
  77. Olivia Jurado Zamora Whittier, CA
  78. Lisa Giruzzi Albany NY
  79. Sue Parry Sue Parry, Malta, NY
  80. Daniel L Hayward Laramie Wy
  81. Josie Sloan Woodstock,GA

One Pulse is a gun law reform group formed by actor and activist George Takie following the Pulse nightclub massacre.

Show the press you support and value them

June 2020 – peaceful protests called in the wake of the murder of George Floyd have experienced attempts to hijack them by a number of extremists, racists, and police.  Over 100 members of the press have been attacked by police wholly against Constitutional rights:  journalists have been arrested, beaten, even shot with rubber/plastic bullets – designed not to kill but to inflict serious injury.  Several peaceful protesters have been assaulted by police; several have been shot.  These peoples’ constitutional rights have been unduly taken from them.  The reason we know about these grave assaults on people and on all of our liberties is because of journalists and the media.

It is not so long ago that crowds of anti-lockdown protestors, in many cases heavily-armed men in quasi-military garb held aggressive protests and  stormed a state capital.  They screamed at people trying to perform their jobs; they endangered public safety because they refuse to believe in the Covid-19 virus, and threatened violence if their rights were ‘removed’- which was only ever a temporary measure for the good of public health.  The vast majority of these people were never met with police brutality or arrests.

This is the most crucial turning point in our country’s and our society’s future many of us will ever see.  In order to stay informed, receive facts and avoid propaganda, we 100% need a free, unhampered press – as the Constitution guarantees.

There are those who have distorted the Second Amendment past all reason, morality and logic.  A ‘well-regulated militia’ for some means any disgruntled person can get a deadly, rapid-fire weapon – and kill innocent adults and children.  Yet the same people who will not brook any criticism of their interpretation of the 2nd Amendment do not remotely want to see other amendments upheld when these rights pertain to freedom of the press or indeed the basic human rights of equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

While a nation mourns George Floyd and the many victims who have gone before him, for instance two innocent black people who were shot to death, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor (it is her birthday; she should be blowing out 27 candles as I write), we have a White House hostile to black people, women, ethnic minorities, LGBT people, veterans and asylum seekers.  The horrors this administration has created include caging asylum-seekers and taking their children, hampering LGBT people who had careers in the military, removing womens’ rights, the creation of ICE, and more.  These injustices are brought to our attention by a free press – and that is why, using language of dictators past, Donald Trump calls the press ‘the enemy of the people.’

We need every citizen to vote, however hard those opposed to this try to disenfranchise voters; votes should be informed with access to accurate, full, timely news reporting.

We need everyone to uphold the rights of the press – and by the press we mean those news outlets large and little that are looking to report and record the truth of what is going on so we may make informed choices: not those who bombard us with lies to support tyranny and their owners’ self-interests.


You can add your name, town and state to the post this Action Alert appears in, and your name will be added to our One Pulse letter which will be sent to various news outlets.  You can also contact one of the major news networks (I have only chosen a few – please find your own favourites)  and/or your regional news sources through one of the channels below  and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:

I am a member of One Pulse for America, a gun-law reform group started by George Takei.  I wanted to let you know that I greatly appreciate the news you bring us and the sacrifices and dangers your news crews increasingly face to bring us accurate reporting.  Only a dictator would call the responsible press ‘enemies of the people’; only a coward with much to hide would try to villify the press, and I am not buying it. 

I want to see any police officer who impedes the constitutionally-protected rights you have to report brought to justice.  No reporter should be arrested, threatened – let alone assaulted or shot. 

My respect to all who bring us the truth, and my contempt to those who want to stop you, or those who want to deliver propaganda as news.  Thank you.




Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Ahmaud Arbery – FBI must widen its investigation

Ahmaud Abrey ABC news

UPDATE:  in two days, 489 One Pulse for America members signed this letter, a further 109 One Pulse for America members have contacted the FBI directly, as recorded in our database, and a further 30 people approximately indicated they wished to sign, but did not supply a home town and state.  This makes a total of 628 people.

8 May 2010 – Ahmaud Arbery would have been 26 today, but he was executed by two gun-wielding white men in February.  They claim the unarmed black jogger must have been a burglary suspect – so they killed him.  Virtually nothing was done:  no arrests made, no plans to have any kind of legal action was taken.  The father and son duo, Gregory and Travis McMichael, claimed Mr Arbery somehow started it; this claim soon evaporated when a damning video showed up.  The footage seems to have led to a grand jury being convened.  As many are saying, the grand jury is being convened not because the authorities saw the video, it’s because WE saw the video.

Ahmaud Abrey ABC news
Glynn County police said on 28 April – nearly two months after the shooting – they were ‘gathering evidence’ – this excluded arresting and questioning the men.

It is not hard to imagine what would have happened instead if the jogger was white and the two shooters were black.

The tragic story also destroys some myths used by the pro-gun NRA and other factions.  They would have you believe that ‘good guys with guns’ need weapons to stay safe, and the people who get guns and have permits are all trained, professional, ‘good guys’.  It is likely the men who killed Mr Arbery had the correct registrations and permits (as loose as Georgia’s laws are):  the NRA would have you believe that gun-owners like them are law-abiding people who are very responsible.  These myths never held water and don’t hold any water going forward.   If the men in the truck had mobile phones and no guns, they could have called the police to report siting a possible suspect (how they think they recognized Mr Arbery needs to be examined, as does whether or not they placed any such call or just killed – it looks like they just killed).  It’s likely the police would have arrested Mr Arbery unlike their failure to arrest those who killed him.  Still, he would be alive.

Aside from the glaringly-obvious fact the public is supposed to telephone police if they think they see a possible suspect and not shoot the person dead, the shocking behavior, inaction, and procedural errors on the part of the state demand investigation.  It certainly looks like racism, conspiracy, and ignorance were why no one was arrested at the time.  The McMichaels enjoyed months of freedom, and had a long opportunity to work on their stories, tamper with evidence, while enjoying their lives while Mr Arbery was dead and his family mourned.


We will send the following open letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, copying in various other bodies.  After careful deliberation, looking at the behavior of Georgia’s Governor down to the law enforcement agencies involved here, it is pointless to ask these people to investigate their own serious problems.

Please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


TO: The Federal Bureau of Investigation

CC:  S Lee Merritt (attorney for Ahmaud Arbery’s family), ACLU, Black Lives Matter, Vic Reynolds – Georgia Bureau of Investigation, The Supreme Court of Georgia, Derrick Johnson – president of the NAACP


Is Georgia institutionally racist?  We believe the evidence speaks for itself and the answer sadly is ‘yes, definitely’.  

The murder of Ahmaud Arbery is one of the most outrageous cases that lead to that conclusion; sadly, it is not unique in Georgia’s history.  We are aware the FBI is investigating this case.  We write to ask the FBI to widen its scope and investigate more broadly how racism operates within the State of Georgia’s law enforcement agencies and governor’s office.  

How can the execution of an unarmed jogger who is black by two white men not even lead to an immediate arrest?  Institutionalized, entrenched racism seems to be the answer to that question, and the entire state needs to be part of an investigation by an independent external body.  We know the FBI prioritizes hate crime, and as we have no confidence in Georgia to investigate its own corruption, we call upon the FBI to act.

We write to demand justice for Ahmaud Arbery, his family, friends and community.   We are disgusted that months elapsed with no arrests, and we are only too aware of the opportunities the suspects have had to synchronize their stories, alter or destroy evidence, and/or influence the outcome of legal action.  We will be watching intently, and we expect to see justice done and expect long custodial sentences for anyone found guilty of executing an unarmed person, especially as race has clearly played a part throughout this situation.  We also feel such an outcome is not likely unless the investigation we ask for is held.

We want to see Georgia implement hate crime legislation; it is one of the few states that do not have any such provisions.  We demand Georgia upholds Federal hate crime legislation.  USA Today quotes Georgia Bureau of Investigations Director Vic Reynolds as saying:  “There’s no hate crime (law) in Georgia.”  I would remind Mr Reynolds, one of the parties on copy of this letter,  and the GBI that there are federal hate crime laws and these should be applied here, eg The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009.  No stone, no piece of relevant legislation can be ignored in this case.

S Lee Merritt, attorney for the deceased’s family, said and we agree: “Prosecutors will need a grand jury in order to formally indict these men, but that has nothing to do with actually going out and arresting the men seen on camera murdering a 25-year-old unarmed black man…  The prosecutors actually have the option, if they so choose to, to directly indictment [sic] and skip the entire grand jury process,” he added. “It’s something that happens all the time in our legal system, and this would certainly be an appropriate moment.”  We demand an explanation as to how the grand jury route was chosen, who was involved, and this too should be part of the broader, essential investigation.

 It speaks volumes that shooter Gregory McMichaels is a retired Glynn County police officer and investigator with Brunswick’s district attorney’s office.  We demand a re-examination of every case he was involved in, however long that may take.  If this retired ‘professional’ thinks he is at liberty to execute suspects, then the public needs to know what other wrongs he may have committed, and whether they were racially-motivated. 

We need to find out what hate groups the McMichael may be involved in:  are they Klan members, neo-Nazis, far-right violence advocates?  We demand that no one involved in a hate group be permitted to work in any aspect of law enforcement or indeed the entire public sector.

We write as members of gun law reform group One Pulse for America, and normally we would write to a state governor to appeal for intervention in such a situation.  However, we have seen photos of Governor Kemp posing happily with a white man wearing an anti-Islam t-shirt.  We are aware of black community leaders’ feelings about Mr Kemp re-opening the state during Covid19 situation, and how this is very likely to particularly harm black citizens.  Kemp is tied to voter suppression, and is linked to cancelling 1.4 million voter registrations.  Kemp is also an endorsed supporter of the discredited NRA, linked forever with Russian agents, Russian money and Russian election tampering.  We don’t want to appeal for his help:  we want to appeal for your investigation to examine him too.

Georgia’s gun laws are some of the loosest in the country; it is no wonder its shooting and gun death statistics are so appalling .

More lives will be lost, more injustices done and an independent, sweeping, thorough investigation into racism in Georgia’s law enforcement system must be conducted to try to correct this unacceptable status quo.  We demand this investigation be convened as soon as possible.  We also demand full transparency on the murder of Mr Arbery and want everyone culpable in mismanagement of the case investigated too.

To Mr Arbery’s family, friends, community we send our condolences, and One Pulse for America will be happy to take actions to demonstrate our support alongside you.  Please let us know how to help.

We want the FBI to reply to our letter.  We invite those on copy, whether they are  part of the problem or the community organizations we are reaching out to, to send us their thoughts too.  We will be only too happy to take other relevant actions to fight against Georgia’s out-of-control gun culture and racism.

  1.  If you want your name on the letter, then please add your name, hometown and state on the post.
  2. If you want to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation on your own, use the text above, customizing as you wish and send to:

Phone:  (202) 324-3000




Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!