One Pulse for America Ahmaud Arbery letter to FBI


11 May 2020

TO: The Federal Bureau of Investigation

CC:  S Lee Merritt (attorney for Ahmaud Arbery’s family), American Civil Liberties Union, Black Lives Matter, Vic Reynolds – Georgia Bureau of Investigation, The Supreme Court of Georgia, Derrick Johnson,  president of the NAACP


Is Georgia institutionally racist?  We believe the evidence speaks for itself and the answer sadly is ‘yes, definitely’.

The murder of Ahmaud Arbery is one of the most outrageous cases that lead to that conclusion; sadly, it is not unique in Georgia’s history.  We are aware the FBI is investigating this case.  We write to ask the FBI to widen its scope and investigate more broadly how racism operates within the State of Georgia’s law enforcement agencies and governor’s office.

How can the execution of an unarmed jogger who is black by two white men not even lead to an immediate arrest?  Institutionalized, entrenched racism seems to be the answer to that question, and the entire state needs to be part of an investigation by an independent external body.  We know the FBI prioritizes hate crime, and as we have no confidence in Georgia to investigate its own corruption, we call upon the FBI to act.

We write to demand justice for Ahmaud Arbery, his family, friends and community.   We are disgusted that months elapsed with no arrests, and we are only too aware of the opportunities the suspects have had to synchronize their stories, alter or destroy evidence, and/or influence the outcome of legal action.  We will be watching intently, and we expect to see justice done and expect long custodial sentences for anyone found guilty of executing an unarmed person, especially as race has clearly played a part throughout this situation.  We also feel such an outcome is unlikely unless the investigation we ask for is held.

We want to see Georgia implement hate crime legislation; it is one of the few states that do not have any such provisions.  We demand Georgia upholds Federal hate crime legislation.  USA Today quotes Georgia Bureau of Investigations Director Vic Reynolds as saying: “There’s no hate crime (law) in Georgia.”  I would remind Mr Reynolds, one of the parties on copy of this letter, and the GBI that there are federal hate crime laws and these should be applied here, eg The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009.  No stone, no piece of relevant legislation can be ignored in this case.

S Lee Merritt, attorney for the deceased’s family, said and we agree: “Prosecutors will need a grand jury in order to formally indict these men, but that has nothing to do with actually going out and arresting the men seen on camera murdering a 25-year-old unarmed black man…  The prosecutors actually have the option, if they so choose to, to directly indictment [sic] and skip the entire grand jury process…It’s something that happens all the time in our legal system, and this would certainly be an appropriate moment.”  We demand an explanation as to how the grand jury route was chosen, who was involved, and this too should be part of the broader, essential investigation.

It speaks volumes that shooter Gregory McMichael is a retired Glynn County police officer and investigator with Brunswick’s district attorney’s office.  We demand a re-examination of every case he was involved in, however long that may take.  If this retired ‘professional’ thinks he is at liberty to execute suspects, then the public needs to know what other wrongs he may have committed, and whether they were racially-motivated.

We need to find out what hate groups the McMichaels may be involved in:  are they Klan members, neo-Nazis, far-right violence advocates?  We demand that no one involved in a hate group be permitted to work in any aspect of law enforcement or indeed the entire public sector.

We write as members of gun law reform group One Pulse for America, and normally we would write to a state governor to appeal for intervention in such a situation.  However, we have seen photos of Governor Kemp posing happily with a white man wearing an anti-Islam t-shirt.  We are aware of black community leaders’ feelings about Mr Kemp re-opening the state during Covid19 situation, and how this is very likely to particularly harm black citizens.  Kemp is tied to voter suppression, and is linked to cancelling 1.4 million voter registrations.  Kemp is also an endorsed supporter of the discredited National Rifle Association, linked forever with Russian agents, Russian money and Russian tampering in our 2016 elections.  We don’t want to appeal for his help:  we want to appeal for your investigation to examine him too.

Georgia’s gun laws are some of the loosest in the country; it is no wonder its shooting and gun death statistics are so appalling .  This must be challenged.

More lives will be lost, more injustices done and an independent, sweeping, thorough investigation into racism in Georgia’s law enforcement system must be conducted to try to correct this unacceptable status quo.

We demand this investigation be convened as soon as possible.  We also demand full transparency on the murder of Mr Arbery and want everyone culpable in mismanagement of the case investigated.

To Mr Arbery’s family, friends, and community we send our condolences, and One Pulse for America will be happy to take actions to demonstrate our support alongside you.  Please let us know how to help.

We want the FBI to respond to our letter.  We invite those on copy, whether they are part of the problem or the community organizations we are reaching out to, to send us their thoughts.  We will be only too happy to take other relevant actions to fight against Georgia’s out-of-control gun culture and racism.


The One Pulse for America team

And signed by c 630

One Pulse for America members (list available to addressee on request)

Hundreds sign One Pulse for America Ahmaud Arbery letter to FBI

11 May 2020-  for immediate release
Over 600 members of gun law reform group One Pulse for America sent a letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation today, demanding the agency widens its investigation on the murder of Ahmaud Arbery.
The case of Mr. Arbery, who was shot and killed while jogging near Brunswick, Georgia in February, went without any arrests for over two months, sparking protests and outrage across the country.
The FBI is investigating the case, but the One Pulse for America letter demands the investigation scope be widened. The letter asks for scrutiny of everyone who should have arrested and charged the suspects, any ties the suspects may have to racist and/or far right groups, the extent racism played in the crime and its handling, and consideration of applying federal hate crime law.
Suzanne Kelly, a spokeswoman for One Pulse for America, said, “There are many shootings in Georgia we attribute to its lax gun laws, and the state sadly lacks hate crime laws most other states have. The murder of Mr. Arbery and the failure to immediately arrest those involved suggests cronyism and institutionalized racism. Nothing short of a wide-ranging, independent investigation leading to meaningful, concrete outcomes is remotely acceptable.”
A grand jury is to examine the case. Father and son suspects Gregory and Travis McMichael have now been arrested following the release of a damning video on social media. Gregory McMichael had a lengthy career as an investigator in the Brunswick district attorney’s office before recently retiring.
Kelly said, “The FBI should, as it prioritizes hate crime investigation, look into every case McMichael handled.  It needs to investigate every single person who should have acted to arrest, to gather evidence, to prepare a case and examine how and why they failed. Do these people have ties to McMichael, to extreme pro-gun, far right and/or racist groups? There is no room for such people in law enforcement, or anywhere in a democracy.”
One Pulse for America, the gun law reform activist group founded by George Takei, collected over 600 signatures from its members on this letter in two days; over one hundred members also sent emails, tweets and messages to the FBI and other agencies in support of Mr. Arbery’s relatives and community.
One Pulse for America was founded after the horrific Pulse nightclub massacre in which 48 people lost their lives. The members take actions on a range of gun-related incidents, contacting relevant officials and agencies to demand justice and change.ENDSAbout One Pulse for AmericaOne Pulse for America was founded by actor/LGBTQ rights activist George Takei in response to the mass shooting at The Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016.
The One Pulse for America Facebook group has been part of a successful effort to close the “passion gap” with pro-gun activists. Our members take daily action to bring strategic pressure on legislators and other decision-makers by amplifying support for gun violence prevention efforts at the national, state and local level. Our ultimate goal is to change social norms surrounding guns and obtain life-saving reforms that will end America’s epidemic of gun violence.
Further information: Suzanne Kelly
+44 (0) 7752 356 455

One Pulse for America Condemns ‘Trojan Horse’ Pandemic Protests

Gun law reform group One Pulse for America condemns the protests taking place in several state capitols, organized by far-right, extreme gun advocates and targeted at certain U.S. governors.

The Governors are seeking to protect public health through lockdown measures to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus. For this, they are being intimidated by extremists and by the president himself, who tweeted that states including Virginia, Michigan and Minnesota should be ‘liberated.’

George Takei, One Pulse’s founder, said: “The uncertainty over the coronavirus outbreak requires an abundance of caution. Everyone must be willing to sacrifice a bit of personal liberty for the greater good. Governors must stand firm. We must not bow to the terroristic tactics of a few extremists.”

As reported by the media, resentment over the shutdown orders has been hijacked by groups whose goal is to further reduce America’s already lax gun laws.

Many Americans are frustrated that they have to remain home, with many furloughed or unsure of their employment status. State governors have had to balance the public’s desire to get back to work with the very real risk of death the virus poses. People such as the Dorr brothers—gun activists who think the NRA is too liberal—are exploiting the public’s fears and trying to destabilize state governments. They have been linked to three social media groups organizing anti-lockdown rallies.

Suzanne Kelly, a spokesperson for One Pulse for America said: “At One Pulse for America we understand how serious this virus is. Over 43,000 Americans have died so far. Now there are people who are cynically exploiting this uncertainty to further their unrelated aims. Anyone who would create an ill-advised protest as a Trojan horse to further their unrelated pro-gun agenda is beneath contempt. Yet that is what some gun groups are doing. They are not endangering their own health, but the health of first responders.”

“Virginia recently passed sensible gun law reforms, and this has made the state a particular target. Indeed, Trump tweeted that ‘2nd Amendment rights were under threat’ in the state. His call to ‘liberate’ Virginia and other states is a literal call to arms, and we condemn it. We agree with many experts who say his remarks incite violence and are illegal and unconstitutional.”

“Video footage shows many demonstrators are ignoring guidelines to stop the spread of the disease. While some demonstrators held frivolous placards saying they need haircuts, or they want to golf, others waved Confederate flags and carried automatic weapons and rifles.”

Ms. Kelly said further, “America has two epidemics: Covid-19 and gun proliferation. The 2nd Amendment sets out the right to a well-regulated militia: this is not the same as masked civilians waving automatic weapons during a pandemic. One Pulse’s founder George Takei has asked everyone to please stay home, and we hope you will do so for your sake as well as everyone else’s.”

Actor and activist George Takei started the 83,000-strong One Pulse Facebook group following the tragic mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. The group takes a variety of actions aimed at improving America’s gun laws and saving lives.



About One Pulse for America

One Pulse for America was founded by actor/LGBTQ rights activist George Takei in response to the mass shooting at The Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016. The One Pulse for America Facebook group has been part of a successful effort to close the “passion gap” with pro-gun activists. Our members take daily action to bring strategic pressure on legislators and other decision-makers by amplifying support for gun violence prevention efforts at the national, state and local level. Our ultimate goal is to change social norms surrounding guns and obtain life-saving reforms that will end America’s epidemic of gun violence.




Further information:

Suzanne Kelly
+44 (0) 7752 356 455

One Pulse For America Pays Tribute to Victims of Pulse Shooting at One-Year Mark

One Pulse for America, the gun violence prevention group founded by actor and activist George Takei, is paying tribute to victims of the 2016 shooting at The Pulse nightclub in Orlando in conjunction with the tragedy’s one-year mark. With 49 people killed and 53 others injured, this was the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States. Continue reading “One Pulse For America Pays Tribute to Victims of Pulse Shooting at One-Year Mark”

Statement Of One Pulse For America Regarding President-elect Trump’s Vow To Force Guns Into America’s K-12 Schools

On at least two occasions this year, President-elect Donald Trump has promised supporters that he will eliminate the gun-free zones that protect students at America’s K-12 schools. One Pulse for America—an online community of approximately 75,000 created by actor and LGBTQ rights activist George Takei—is vowing to do everything it can to stop Trump’s dangerous “first day” agenda. Continue reading “Statement Of One Pulse For America Regarding President-elect Trump’s Vow To Force Guns Into America’s K-12 Schools”