Don’t let the NRA capitalize on Ft Worth shooting

Ft Worth, Tx December 2019 – A gun-wielding man with a long history of arrests, violence and mental health issues was allowed to have a gun.  He took it to the White Settlement church in Ft Worth, and opened fire.  He murdered two people before an on-site, trained firearms expert in turn shot him dead.  The open space of the church made it easy for the shooter to quickly be identified and shot.

This is a tragedy; the man should never have had a gun and two innocent people are dead.  Yet the NRA is attempting falsely to claim this one isolated incident shows a ‘good guy with a gun’ stops gun violence.

Disappointingly even some left-leaning press such as The Guardian are repeating the NRA line.  In its piece ‘Texas Shooting details supercharge NRA’s good guy with a gun defense’ it ignores the times when good guys kill or wound other good guys, and it ignores the NRA’s Russian money scandal, its forever-compromised position and its former spokespeople’s calls for journalists and Democrats to be killed (Loesch and Nugent made these calls).  This tragedy in no way ‘supercharges’ the NRA’s twisted logic.

We will remind the NRA of a few of the many people killed by ‘good guys with guns’ who should still be alive today.


Please contact The NRA through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


It is absolutely disgusting and twisted that the NRA wants to use the deaths of two churchgoers to falsely claim ‘a good guy with a gun’ stops gun violence.

Two people are dead, yet the NRA wants to score points.  What it doesn’t want is you to think on the scores of people killed or injured by ‘good guys with guns’ – an insane phrase invented by discredited Wayne LaPierre.  The NRA is a Russian Asset according to a Senate sub-committee which highlighted NRA courtship of Russian spies, the NRA’s use of Russian millions to lobby, and its involvement in Russia’s interference with the 2016 elections.  Why would anyone listen to the NRA?

For those who need a reminder of the realities:

  • Good guy with a gun killed:  Thanksgiving 2018, Emantic Bradford was shot and killed while acting as the ‘good guy with the gun’.  He was protecting shoppers from a shooter when an off-duty police officer shot him dead.
  •  Good guy with a gun killed:  November 2018, Jemel Roberson, a 26-year-old security guard who was black, was shot and killed by a white police officer. Mr Robinson was wearing a hat that said ‘Security’ when he was killed.
  • Atatiana Jefferson, a pre-med student, was shot dead by a policeman while she was in her Texas home:  the police had been called to do a simple welfare check, but it ended with a ‘good guy with a gun’ killing an unarmed, innocent woman.
  • A teen fleeing an active shooter at a Colorado high school was shot and seriously injured when ‘good guy’ security guard shot him:  the guard did not have permission to be armed, and seems to have shot at other guards too.

NRA, I call you out on your propaganda, especially as you ignore the deaths of innocent people when it suits you.  The sooner you lose your tax-exempt status and are further investigated for your collusion with Russia and financial improprieties, the better off we will all be.  It could not be any plainer:  people are being killed because of your propaganda.  We do not have a well-regulated militia – we have carnage because of your organisation and it has to stop.


Ft Worth proves that we need more controls on who can own guns, and it proves again that America has a serious gun crime epidemic which saw 41,000 people shot last year.

OR – a short message suitable for Twitter:  Good guys with guns get killed:  every time that happens, the NRA remains silent.  Ft Worth only proved it is too easy for the violent or mentally ill to get guns.  One Pulse for America sends condolences to those impacted.

(If you use Twitter, you will happily see many people already taking the NRA to task, including Ladd).

Phone:  800 672 3888
Facebook: (NB they block posts, may block comments too)
Twitter:  Please respond to their tweet (pictured below) by clicking here


Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Thank Police Chief Art Acevedo for standing up to NRA

Houston – as reported in Huffington Post and elsewhere, Police Chief Art Acevedo hit out at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other congresspeople for appearing to care more about the National Rifle Association than victims of gun violence.

You can watch his wave-making speech here.

He said:  “I don’t want to see their little smug faces about about how much they care about law enforcement when I’m burying a sergeant because they don’t want to piss off the NRA,”

Laying down the gauntlet, his speech challenged McConnell and Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn.  “Make up your minds. Whose side are you on? Gun manufacturers, the gun lobby — or the children that are getting gunned down in this country every single day?” he said

The Senate’s failure to renew the federal Violence Against Women Act is also cause for his consternation.

Standing up like this to the pro-gun status quo is quite a heroic feat, and we will send him our thanks


Please contact Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


Dear Chief Acevedo

I wanted to thank you for your wise and brave words on gun control and calling out the inexcusable behaviour of Mitch McConnell.  It is appreciated.

In your speech you asked pro-NRA senators and McConnell ‘whose side are you on?’  I am glad to have you on my side, the side that wants gun law reform.  As a member of One Pulse for America, the gun-law reform group started by George Takei following the Pulse nightclub shooting tragedy, it is wonderful – and refreshing – to see a senior police figure like you call for life-saving change.

Suggested tweet:

@ArtAcevedo just saying thank you; as a member of gun law reform group @1Pulse4America I really appreciate your speech. We are also wondering why @senatemajldr is sitting on life-saving gun reform bills since February, not least as the @NRA has been deemed a Russian asset.





Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Tell NRA-funded Senators their integrity is suspect

November 2019 – The evidence is incontrovertible:  the NRA was infiltrated by Russian agents and operatives who broke our laws, interfered with our 2016 election, and channeled untold millions to pro-NRA politicians.

According to Fortune:

“In 2016, the NRA spent more than $30 million on behalf of the Trump campaign, according to Federal Election Commission dataIt was a staggering number compared to 2012 … The Trump campaign represented the lion’s share of the group’s spending—the NRA spent $54 million on the 2016 elections in total.

There are suggestions that the total amount could be higher. In 2017, McClatchy reported that the total number for spending in 2016 was “close to $70 million, and perhaps much more.”

However, a full accounting of the group’s spending in 2016 may never come to light. An FEC investigation into another McClatchy report of whether the former Russian central banker, Alexander Torshin, illegally funneled money to the NRA to aid Trump, has been dropped by the FEC after Republican members objected to it.”

The problems:

This state of affairs is an absolute scandal, and a foreign power infiltrating a powerful lobby such as the NRA and influencing our elections to such a degree is without precedent.  It is alarming in the extreme.  Those who are beneficiaries of Russian-funded NRA contributions should not get a say over the impeachment of Trump, NRA’s/Russia’s chosen president.  We are talking about tens of millions of dollars; we are talking about the Senate being filled with people indebted to Russia for their Senate seats.


Please contact your US senators through the link below – or search for them on Twitter and/or Facebook, and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:

“Dear Senators

“We all know that the country is in an unprecedented state:  The NRA spent tens of millions on the last election:  while it was infiltrated with Russian agents and while it was awash with Russian funding.  NRA head Wayne LaPierre has virtually promised Trump that the NRA can save him from impeachment.  The only way that would be possible is if senators are in the NRA’s debt.

“I highly doubt that any Senators in the NRA’s debt will do the honourable thing and recuse themselves from voting in the likely event the impeachment reaches the Senate.  If I thought it would be useful to appeal to such people’s honor or love of their country, I would.

“However, I want you to know I will be watching how my senators perform very carefully.  I want you to be certain:  I am never going to vote for an NRA candidate after the Senate sub-committee found the NRA is a Russian Asset.  Some Senators received modest amounts of NRA money; others received millions.  I will be watching how the impeachment process unfolds and what you do as it happens, and how you vote.

“As your constituent, I want you to respond to me, and tell me:  how much money did you receive from the NRA; are you obliged to the NRA as LaPierre implied to the president; and what you intend to do about the NRA; the bills Mitch McConnell is sitting on that could save lives; and what you will do to ensure our next elections are not compromised.

“If you are one of the senators fighting to rectify this alarming state of affairs, then you have my sincere thanks.”

Find your US Senators here:

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!






Happy Birthday NRA??

The NRA wants us to mark its birthday; it turned 148 this week.

OK, let’s do so.

No – our Action Alert will not change the NRA leadership’s mind.

YES – people will see your post and it will make your voice heard.

Maybe, just maybe, someone else will share it, someone will think about the issues, see a statistic or point they hadn’t thought of before.


Please contact the NRA through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking; please share it on your own page too.

Please share this action too – and feel free to share one or both of the images below, just click on one to get the link:



“Happy Birthday NRA?

Maybe you’ve bought into outdated NRA arguments.  This dispels them:

“The NRA’s American!” – Senate subcommittee reveals the NRA a Russian Asset for all its anti-American activities and taking Russian money from Putin’s agent

“Right to self-defense!” – 2018: only 1,478 shootings (3.1%) were defensive 

“2nd Amendment!” – It’s not 1776 now:  individuals with semi-automatic weapons are NOT in a well-regulated militia

“Owning a gun’s my right!” – 2018: 47,220 Americans shot: accidents, unlawful police shootings, children finding guns, children in schools, and people in places of worship.  Their health and lives are worth more than the NRA’s interpretation of the 2nd A.  There’s nothing American about this.

NRA =  Not Really American

Stats –

Join One Pulse for America – we’re taking actions to fight these tragic shootings and NRA propaganda


Contact the NRA:

Phone:  800 672 3888
Facebook: (NB they block posts, may block comments too)
Twitter: and their tweet bragging about their birthday is here:


Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Tell 4-H Clubs to cut ties to the NRA and re-think shooting courses

Many insidious organizations past and present understood how important it is to use propaganda on the young.  If you can indoctrinate impressionable young people to think the way you want them to think – and make them believe everyone thinks the same – your propaganda has been successful.  Whether they admit it or not, propaganda is at work when the NRA uses 4-H clubs to reinforce their message that guns = desirable, good, necessary, normal.

4-H clubs take donations from the NRA.  One source from 2018 estimated 4-H groups received $12.2 million since 2010 from the NRA.

The 4-H has a long history of being admired:  so it is an ideal place to plant the notion shooting and guns are desirable.  Since 4-H is encouraging, praising and rewarding young people to use guns, then guns are good:  that is the unspoken message.  That message is just what the NRA wants planted in young minds.

To start the young people off on the wrong foot, steering them towards their generous NRA sponsors, there are dozens of badges, patches, medals on ribbons the young people get for learning how to use a gun and shoot with accuracy.  Air rifles (think how many animals and domestic pets are shot for instance), muzzle-loaders, rifles, small-bore pistols, etc are all badges young people are encouraged to win and be proud of.  According to some sources, children as young as 11 can learn to handle a gun and shoot with the 4-H.

In the NRA-4-H partnerships and the shooting courses, three things happen.  First, the young people are made to feel grateful for the lashings of money the NRA gives the 4-H.  Second, they are encouraged to learn to shoot in order to win ribbons, awards and praise from adults they look up to.  Thirdly, the inclusion of shooting alongside activities such as exercise, cooking, hiking, photography puts shooting firmly into a young mind as being something wholly normal and no different from these other skills.  The unspoken message is the 4-H believes shooting is a good thing to celebrate and reward – in a nation where 47,000 people were shot last year alone.  The psychological impact is clear – as clear as the fact the NRA is a Russian asset.

It is time to stop the NRA using 4-H clubs as a Trojan Horse to spread its propaganda to young, impressionable minds.


Please contact The National 4-H Council through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:

 “It is time the National 4-H Council cuts all links to the NRA and re-thinks inclusion of guns as part of your program for young people.

Giving out badges, prizes and praise to children as young as 11 for shooting normalizes guns and makes them desirable.  You put being able to shoot a gun as being as normal as being able to shoot a photograph:  do you see the problem?

Taking money from the NRA means you are reliant on and beholden to a toxic organization.  Your organization is no doubt aware of the man reasons the NRA is discredited, but here is a reminder of some of the reasons you must sever ties with it:

  •  actively helped Russian agent Maria Butina and Putin associate Alexander Torshin meet and influence highly-ranking government and GOP personnel – hardly a wholesome American organization
  • a senate sub-committee issued a report explaining in great detail the unscrupulous incidents proving the NRA is a Russian asset and was while Russia was influencing the 2016 elections
  • is selling guns via auctions at schools – how can the 4-H accept this outrageous affront to the victims, friends and families of those killed in school shootings?
  • its leaders past and present such as Ted Nugent and Dana Loesch have advocated violence against journalists and democrats – hardly in keeping with 4-H principles.
  • The NRA TV engaged in behavior so vile before it was closed that even the NRA disowned it.

You already know all the reasons why an organization such as yours should cut ties with the NRA.  Do it.

You should also re -examine the psychological impact of how your gun training and awarding medals and badges is indoctrinating young people to think gun ownership and use is normal and desirable.  It isn’t.  Do school-age young people really need to learn to handle a gun and shoot?  Of course not. 

Young people learn empathy at different rates and different ages.  Is the 4-H 100% certain that its gun / hunting programs teach healthy empathy for living things or could the 4-H be  contributing to a lack of empathy for animals and by extension people? 

If your organization has any integrity, I expect to see 4-H announce it will not take further NRA money and will cut all ties with it.

 If 4-H thinks shooting is absolutely necessary, then find some other group to align to other than the tainted, discredited, racist, Russian-Asset that the NRA is.   I await a reply.”


Or send a tweet:

@4H It is past time for 4-H to cut all ties with the @NRA . It is a Russian Asset (per Senate committee), its leaders called for shooting Dems and reporters, NRA TV was so racist even the NRA condemned it, etc. Stop normalizing guns to young people esp with NRA-tainted money

Phone:  301-961-2800
Email: (form)

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!




Stand with San Francisco: NRA IS a Terrorist org

4 September, 2019 – San Francisco – The San Francisco Board of Supervisors labelled the National Rifle Association a Domestic Terrorist organization.  Now the NRA and San Francisco are locked in a legal skirmish with the NRA suing.

Not long after the NRA announced it would sue, a US Senate sub committee issued a lengthy report setting out their conclusion that the NRA is a Russian Asset.

It seems San Francisco were ahead of the times on this one.  The Board set an excellent precedent, and we must not allow the NRA to tear it down.

The San Francisco resolution called the NRA a “domestic terrorist organization”, contending the group spreads propaganda that seeks to deceive the public about the dangers of gun violence.

“They continue to stand in the way of gun violence reform and people are dying because of it,” said Catherine Stefani, the San Francisco supervisor who drafted the resolution not long after a mass shooting at a garlic festival in nearby Gilroy, California, left three people dead.

Is the NRA a Russian asset?  The Senate’s committee says yes.  Is the NRA a terrorist organisation?  Its actions fit – a terrorist is defined as “a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”   As the NRA’s high-profile spokespeople past and present make death threats against Democrats and journalists – San Francisco certainly has a point.

Looking at the despicable actions of these NRA players past and present, it’s hard NOT to conclude the NRA is terrorist.

Ted Nugent, NRA Board of Directors:  Aside from calling Parklands survivors who campaigned for gun law reform ‘soulless liars,’  he suggested Democrats should be shot on sight:-  “…Just know that evil, dishonesty, and scam artists have always been around and that right now they’re liberal, they’re Democrat, they’re RINOs, they’re Hollywood, they’re fake news, they’re media, they’re academia, and they’re half of our government, at least,” …There are rabid coyotes running around. You don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun. Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one.”

Dana Loesch, assistant to the executive vice president for public communication with the National Rifle Association  since 2017:  Advocated ‘curbstomping’ journalists in 2016, i.e. crushing their skulls and killing them.   Made NRA video telling journalists ‘their time was up’.

Oliver North, NRA president (briefly; now in legal action against the NRA):  When a federal employee, arranged sales of guns to Iran and cocaine to terrorists 

Top NRA figuresKnew Russia was using the NRA to make contact with presidential candidate Trump


We will send messages of approval and support to San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Please contact the San Francisco Board of Supervisors through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


I wanted to THANK YOU for calling the NRA exactly what it is: A domestic terrorist organisation (by the way, one funded and co-opted by Russia). A recent senate subcomittee report quite rightly calls the NRA a Russian Asset. As to terrorism – Nugent, Loesch, Oliver North (now departed and suing the NRA) have all called for murder against American citizens (Nugent – all democrats; Loesch – journalists). They are a terrorist organisation, and I hope my state will take your lead. Their lawsuit against you will fall apart in light of the Senate findings and the facts Thank you for your brave stance!

Suggested Tweet: 


@sfgov THANK YOU for calling the @NRA what it is – a domestic terrorist org. I look forward to their lawsuit against you failing – not least as the Senate sub-committee report finds the NRA is a Russian asset beyond doubt. Nugent, Loesch called for murder – that’s terrorism.

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!



Phone:  (415) 554-5184










Remember Elijah Cummings – demand gun control action now

17 October, 2019 – Maryland – Representative Elijah Cummings has passed away, age 68.

One of the children of a sharecropper, he said watching Perry Mason steered him into studying law.

He served Maryland well for many years, having won his seat in 1996.

A tireless campaigner for rights and justice, he strove for gun law reform.

In one of his last speeches on the matter delivered in August 2019, he spoke of how the Republicans would make speeches promising gun law reform with no intention of following through.

“What we have to do is demand results,” he said.  He added that President Trump could make empty promises as ‘Senator McConnell had his back’.


To pay tribute to Representative Cummings, we will remind Mitch McConnell that he has been sitting on lifesaving bills since February, undemocratically denying our elected representatives the chance to fairly vote on universal background checks and other gun-law reform measures.  (please watch the video of Representative Cummings’ speech by clicking the link in the paragraph above for ‘What we have to do is demand results’)

Please contact Senator Mitch McConnell through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


 Senator, Elijah Cummings died today.  A man of action and honor, he campaigned tirelessly for gun law reform.


In his August 2019 speech he explained how the Republicans will pay lip service to gun law reform, but that you are likely to keep blocking the bills you have been sitting on since February.  Are you afraid to let the country’s elected representatives have their say on these bills?  Is your being in office dependent on your subservience and obedience to the NRA, now proven beyond doubt to be a Russian asset?


Get  HR8 and HR112 on the floor for a vote:  NOW.  Mr Cummings will be remembered with respect and as a man of action.  If you don’t get those bills to the vote, we will  do our best to vote you out of office, and  you will be forever remembered as a dictatorial servant of a discredited lobbying group awash with scandal and Russian money.  If you can’t do the right thing, move aside for those who will.   


Mitch McConnell
Phone:  (270) 781-1673
Email:  (form)
Twitter: or 

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

Send NASCAR thanks for not taking AK-47 advertisements

6 October –  The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing turned down  assault-style weapons advertisements, and now the National Rifle Association is suggesting ‘the stock car racing league has turned its back on part of its fan base’ with a position shift on guns.

According to The Ledger, a gun dealer whose ad was turned down said: “We just heard from NASCAR on a number of gun related ads and unfortunately, due a gradual shift in NASCAR’s position on guns, these ads must be edited/changed — especially those that are depicted as assault-style rifles/sniper rifles. NASCAR is still open to some of the less controversial gun accessories, concealed carry, or classes.”

The stock car racing body is now being pressured by the NRA and pro-gun forces which claim NASCAR is not respecting the portion of their their fan base who are pro gun and pro NRA.

We won’t let the NRA turn the tables on NASCAR – which is gradually moving away from the gun lobbyists, who are now furious that they can’t advertise the  deadly AK-47.

NASCAR is being quiet on this issue; their social media requests that people stick solely to the subject of racing.  We will send them email messages of support to show them that their fan base is not all NRA pro-automatic / assault rifle fans.

We will show that we approve of their move away from advertising which normalizes and glorifies weapons.



Please contact NASCAR by email and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:



I just wanted to send a note of thanks to NASCAR for restricting advertisements for weapons such as the AK-47.  I understand the NRA and other groups are threatening that your fan base will be alienated. The reverse is true; people across the country are disillusioned with the NRA, now proven by a Senate committee to be a Russian asset. People are tired of guns being glorified, and you have joined a huge number of companies saying No to the NRA, and I thank you. There is no need to reply – I am just expressing my thanks on this issue.

Email: (form)

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!


Time’s Up for the NRA: Mitch McConnell must stand aside

In March 2018 the NRA issued a threatening video called ‘Time’s Up’, mocking the Time’s Up movement.  In the video they threatened anyone who stood against their aims, calling them ‘unpatriotic’ and ‘unAmerican’.  But the shocking truth is now out:  when the NRA made that video, they had already been a Russian asset for years. 

It’s hard to summarize all the recent bad news the NRA has happily experienced lately.  There is infighting, resignations at top level, lawsuits, the end of NRA-TV.  But a game-changing newly-released Senate Finance committee minority report concludes the NRA enabled Russian agents in undermining our democracy.  The report also said NRA members tried to enrich their private interests contrary to its tax-exempt status.  It is time to pull out all the stops and do everything we can to bring it down while it is in a very weakened condition.

We will take several actions in the next week against the NRA.  This is Action 3 – we will tell Mitch McConnell he is compromised and must stand down.


Action 3: Demand Mitch McConnell stands down

Mitch McConnell stands between the wish of most Americans to reform gun laws and his paymasters and endorsers, the NRA.

NBC News image of Mitch McConnell

With the NRA now established firmly as being a traitorous Russian Asset, any elected official who has taken their money and endorsement is also tainted by association.

Few in Congress are more tainted than McConnell.

He has an A+ rating from the NRA, and is nicknamed ‘The Grim Reaper’ by his supporters because he kills bills supported by the Democrats including two bills that would make background checks mandatory.

A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal found nearly 90% of Americans want to have background checks of the kind McConnell is blocking.

There have been major gun massacres in the months he sat on those bills:  could those deaths have been avoided?

The NRA was financed by, infiltrated by, and influenced by Russia.  The same is true of Mitch McConnell by extension.


Please contact Mitch McConnell through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


With the NRA now officially outed as being Russian  Assets, I am amazed you have the gall to remain in office.  Resign immediately.

The NRA took Russian money, worked with Russia, and its members even took trips to Russia on which they furthered their own personal interests, against the laws that allow the NRA to be tax-exempt.  They interfered with the working of our democracy.

And then there’s you.  The NRA apparently threw $1.6 million at the Senate, and there you are, blocking bipartisan bills which could be saving American lives.  Why wouldn’t you want background check bills to be democratically voted on?  Which country are you actually serving?  How many people have died who might have been saved if there had been a bill passed to tighten up background checks?

You have an A+ rating from a Russian-serving group of lobbyists, the NRA.  You’ve not addressed the matter, and you certainly haven’t apologized to the American public for your role supporting this hopelessly-compromised group’s aims.  And it’s cost lives.

I call on you to do the decent thing and resign immediately.  I don’t really expect you to do the right thing and leave office, but I want my friends and my elected officials to know how I feel about you – to me you are a traitor who has cost American lives.

Mitch McConnell
Phone:  (270) 781-1673
Email:  (form)

Suggested Twitter message:

@senatemajldr With the NRA now officially outed as being a Russian Asset, I am amazed you have the gall to remain in office – people are dying while you sit on bipartisan background check bills.  Resign immediately. #RussianAsset

Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!

Time’s Up for the NRA: Tell congresspeople you won’t vote for NRA candidates

In March 2018 the NRA issued a threatening video called ‘Time’s Up’, mocking the Time’s Up movement.  In the video they threatened anyone who stood against their aims, calling them ‘unpatriotic’ and ‘unAmerican’.  But the shocking truth is now out:  when the NRA made that video, they had already been a Russian asset for years. 

It’s hard to summarize all the recent bad news the NRA has happily experienced lately.  There is infighting, resignations at top level, lawsuits, the end of NRA-TV.  But a game-changing newly-released Senate Finance committee minority report concludes the NRA enabled Russian agents in undermining our democracy.  The report also said NRA members tried to enrich their private interests contrary to its tax-exempt status.  It is time to pull out all the stops and do everything we can to bring it down while it is in a very weakened condition.

Maybe you think your congresspeople already know how you feel about the NRA.  If you take this action on social media, thousands will see you take a stand and see what is at stake.  If you do it by phone call or email, then it will be on record.  It is about making our opposition visible right now while the NRA is on the ropes.

We will take several actions in the next week against the NRA.  This is Action 2 – we will tell our elected Congress representatives that if they are getting money from the NRA, they will not be getting a vote from us.  (Tomorrow we will focus on Mitch McConnell).

Action 2:  No NRA candidate gets our votes
The NRA spends tens of millions on politicians every year.

The amount of donations shown in this and other tables may look small, but the NRA spends on lobbying and ‘outside spending’ activities that together amount to millions.

In the 2016 election cycle, the NRA spent a massive £50 million according to The Trace.  While their spend has fallen, their influence remains huge.  One Pulse for America is not a partisan group, but it must be said that in 2018 5 Democrats were given NRA donations as compared to 195 Republicans.

It’s time to make it absolutely clear to your congresspeople and those running for congress in 2020 that you will never vote for a pro-NRA candidate.

To repeat, this is only one of a number of anti-NRA actions we will take this week; the more who take these actions and share them on social media, the more effective they will be.  This could definitely be the end for the NRA – if everyone keeps the pressure on.  All the actions may be taken more than once.


Please contact your elected representative – find them and their contact details using the link below, and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:


I hold the NRA responsible for the country’s gun death epidemic; they are now also proven to be a Russian asset.  To align with the NRA is to be a traitor as far as I am concerned.   Their interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is costing lives.  If you are for the NRA, I am against you.  Time’s Up for the NRA, and I promise I will never vote for a pro-NRA candidate.

I will fully support candidates in future elections who are anti-NRA, and I expect you to write back to me spelling out where you stand on the NRA and gun law reform.  So we are clear, I am definitely voting in all future elections.

No other country in peacetime has a death toll from gun violence like America, and if you are not working to solve it, I will do my best to see you never hold office again.  I will be waiting for your reply and watching what you do.  I expect to see pressure put on Mitch McConnell who is sitting on bills which could help end senseless loss of lives.  

Suggested Tweet:   Proven beyond a doubt: the @NRA is a Russian Asset.  I will never vote for a NRA-funded candidate.  I want to hear back from you on what you’re doing to stop the US gun violence epidemic. Time’s Up for the NRA’s treason

Find your congressperson here:

If you copy the GOP, even better – it’s their party taking NRA money and blocking gun law reform legislation:

Phone:  202-863-8500




Once you have made contact, fill out the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!